Should the United States Drill for Oil in the ANWR? The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or ANWR is one of the largest areas of protected land in the world. It encompasses areas of Alaska and Northwestern Canada. The area was initially set aside by President Eisenhower in 1960, because of the area’s value to the environment. What with it being part of the shrinking tundra, and the only protected tundra in the United States. However, despite the environmental significance of the ANWR to the surrounding
Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge Everyday we put tons of pollution into the air, water and ground. Our population is growing each day and in turn urbanization is expanding. Teddy Roosevelt, being an avid outdoorsmen, knew the importance of setting land aside for posterity sake and in doing do set a trend for later presidents. When Richard Nixon set land aside in Alaska, which became the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), he set it aside to be never tainted by industrialization. Today
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, is a refuge geared toward preserving national wildlife in northeastern Alaska. ANWR is about 19 million acres, in space, and contains a potential drilling spot for oil and petroleum. The potential drilling spot is a small area known as the 10-02 Area. It is only 1.5 million acres, or 8%, of ANWR, would even be considered for development (What is ANWR). The controversy surrounding ANWR is whether to drill or not to drill into the 10-02 area. Some people want
Terry Tempest Williams' Refuge If we bemoan the loss of light as the day changes to night we miss the sunset. In her memoirs Refuge, Terry Tempest Williams relates the circumstances surrounding the 1982 rise in the Great Salt Lake as well as her mother’s death from cancer. Throughout the book Williams gets so caught up in preventing her mother’s death that she risks missing the sunset of her mother’s life. However the Sevier-Fremont’s adaptability to changes in nature inspires Terry Tempest
The ANWR or Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a refuge specially designed for wilderness purposes. This refuge is located in the northeast corner of Alaska, and is home to a rich diversity of over 250 species of wildlife. For a better description, this refuge has been named spiritual, recreational, historical, and cultural. However, not all would agree that the arctic refuge is a rather safe place. In 1966, many Alaska Natives protested due to the ANWR being threatened by dirty oil and gas
unparalleled in North America, and perhaps in the entire circumpolar north.” (Arctic Refuge: Oil and Gas Issues). The refuge is a delicate treasure there are few like it in the world and its existence is threatened. The ecological makeup is one of a kind. The refuge contains five different ecological regions, which are home to 45 species of land and marine mammal ranging in size form a pygmy shrew to a bowhead whale. The refuge is also well known for polar, grizzly and black bear, wolf, wolverine, dall sheep
the Artic National Wildlife Refuge because it would harm the environment, disrupt the animals, and destroy plants. The United States Congress created the Artic National Wildlife Refuge in 1980 (To drill or not to drill?: 6). The Artic National Wildlife Refuge is also known as ANWR (To drill or not to drill?: 6). The Artic National Wildlife Refuge is 19.6 million acres of wilderness (Scalzo, Jim Lo.: 37). Of the 19.6 million acres in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge 17.5 million acres are permanently
Wildlife Refuge (DRIWR) and is the only International Wildlife Refuge in North America. The refuge is part of the National Wildlife Refuge System, within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and it presides over a number of islands, coastal wetlands, marshes, and waterfront lands along 48 miles of the Detroit River and Lake Erie shorelines. The primary mission and purpose of the refuge are the conservation, protection, restoration, and management of wildlife, habitat, and resources of the refuge
Williams’ Refuge Adaptation is the source and story of a species’ survival. Human beings’ journey across and habitation of the earth’s surfaces demanded resilience to change. As a result each race is a product of the land in which they inhabited. We have grown with the land. Our physical traits tie us to a particular region, a particular place, but what of our emotions? Are they another link to our homelands or do they orphan us, forcing us to seek refuge? Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge, is the
Oil Drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge The main issue presented in my research involves the debate between environmentalists and the United States government on whether to open and develop a portion of the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in the northern coastal plain of Alaska for the purpose of drilling for oil. Environmentalists argue that opening up this region of ANWR to future oil drilling would destroy the current ecosystems, disrupt animal habitats and adversely change