
Analysis Of Robert Eighner's 'On Dumpster Diving'

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Each Author is unique they write about many different pieces, but they all have this set of principles they go by. Every author thinks about these four main concepts when they write and they are audience, genre, context, purpose. They first think about who will want to read their work so try to establish an audience. The Author next has to determine what their writing will be. They have to decide whether it's science fiction or any other, but they understand it important tell the genre of the work. Authors cannot be all over the place they are focused on one specific tone. Next authors contemplate why to write at all there must be a reason that is true, they all written for a purpose each author has one. Authors often write in troubling times for them like …show more content…

He wants not to just memorize, but actually learn things in class and try to have fun while you are in school. The genre for this is a letter and the context in which he writes in a happy place he wants to inspire these students to do something with their lives and dream big. The Rhetorical Situation for this letter is that writer is logos because he trying to get his readers to learn. In “ On Dumpster Diving” Lars Eighner he tries to convey a message when he tells us a story about this person and how he became homeless . The context in which he writes is that he writes in a dark place where there hardly seem to be any hope and that was the tone for their entire story. But he tries to leave clues in the story to see if you pick up on and foreshadow something big about life in general. Eighner is writing from a place where everyone can feel empathy for his character and form a special bond. In today's world there are a lot of people that goes through this problem which really appeals to the reader and they can understand the situation fully and make a connection with the text. I think the audience is people that are going through a tough time it could be that they are losing their

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