
Analysis Of Quotes From The Movie 'The Million Dollar Baby'

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Risk and Reward People admire talent. They always have and probably always will, but what's even more valuable than talent is grit. The ability to endure whatever life may throw at you and still keep your head held high is worth far more than something simply given to you. This mindset of endurance, of heart is reflected in the movie, The Million Dollar Baby, as a girl not only learns to stand, but how to get back up once knocked down. Even more, a quote from the movie by character Maggie Fitzgerald, “It's the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you” clarifies what boxing is, not an opportunity to pummel someone, but a dance, a tension amid two bodies each trying to live out a dream. This quote is so valuable and poignant to me because it tells a story, not through words, but through its depiction of life, as it illustrates spirit, a desire to stand and fight, and it is these core concepts that determine who we are. Hence, my personal connection to this quote as I believe it is one’s choices, not fate, nor destiny that …show more content…

Furthermore, I connected to this quote as it relates to boxing and though I am not an avid boxing fan, I personally admire boxers and their devotion to their craft as it doesn’t revolve around beatings, but instead around dedication, the intelligence of knowing when to swing and when to retreat, and above all a dream so badly wanted that one allows one’s body, one’s physical appearance to

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