
Analysis Of Quotes From 'The Kite Runner'

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The author uses anaphora on page 62 when he writes “I wanted to puke. I wanted to scream until my throat hurt. I want to see my mom again.” This demonstrates how all of it had come rushing back to her, like she just got the gist of what has happened in the last couple of months and she couldn’t hold it in anymore. To emphasis the fact that Cassie was tired, sick of what has happened, it makes you feel the distress the character is feeling and all the emotion swirling inside of her. The author uses foreshadowing on page 91 when he writes “It was Vosch. He seemed even taller standing over the crumpled form of my father. He wasn’t moving.” This reveals how everything they’ve told her was a lie, they didn’t want to save them but instead just use them. And that’s when she realizes all those kids we’re going to a death camp instead of a haven. This foreshows because now we know that Vosch and his army is all fake, they’re the ones they need to take out. The author uses flashback on page 109 when he writes “Bubby, why did leave me? You ran away. Bubby, why did you run?” This establishes how even though Ben is laying on his death bed, he can still remember what happened and what he didn’t do for his sister. The guilt is trapped inside of him and it brings us back to the memory lane and we wonder what had happened to cause it. And we know there’s a whole …show more content…

This portrays how the author had tried to give Evan Walker an innocent kind of look when he was describing him. So Cassie wouldn’t see him as a threat especially considering the situation that she had just met him. But it also shows how much Cassie had payed attention to him, even down to the fact of how he was feeling by just looking into his eyes. Gives us a chance to know him and what kind of person he is without actually knowing anything about

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