
Analysis Of ' Miley Cyrus 's ' Talking Cure '

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Miley Cyrus can easily be explained through the eyes of Sigmund Freud, the father of Psychoanalysis. Freud was the first to develop the “talking cure”, in which one makes their unconscious thoughts, beliefs, and motives, conscious by means of catharsis, or a free discharge of emotions. In this approach, it is thought that our behavior is a result of our unconscious motives. Therefore, psychodynamic therapy bases its treatment of mental disorders on the relationship between the unconscious and conscious mind. After working with many different people, Freud came to the conclusion that repressed memories, fears, and emotions stored in the unconscious mind must be brought to light to the conscious mind, in order for them not to manifest themselves through symptoms. The key internal mechanism for change here is insight of how the unconscious thoughts influence their behavior. Freud attempted to explain how the unconscious functions by dividing it into three structures, the id, ego, and superego. The id holds our primitive instincts that demand immediate gratification, because it operates on the pleasure principle (McLeod, 2010). Similarly, the ego also seeks pleasure. However, instead of seeking immediate gratification, the ego acts realistically in order to avoid potentially negative consequences that may arise. On the other hand, our superego represents our conscious. It encompasses the morals and values we learn by society and our parents as we go through the stages of

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