
Analysis Of Bruno In The Boy In Striped Pajamas

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Holocaust Auschwitz. The concentration camp where the most people were killed, too be exact, six million. In the novel The Boy In Striped Pajamas the main character is Bruno. Bruno is a nine year old German boy who is very naive about the Holocaust, Jews, and what happened to the Jews. The Holocaust was a depressing time in Europe for the Jewish. A group of people called the Nazi’s killed Jews because of one man who blamed the Jews for Germany's problems. That man was Adolf Hitler. Hitler put all the Jews in concentration camps where they did labor and got little to no food. Most people died to hunger and exhaustion, the others died in gas chambers. In the novel The Boy In Striped Pajamas it was bad that the main character, Bruno, was …show more content…

In the novel The Boy In Striped Pajamas it was bad that Bruno was naive about the Holocaust because he wouldn’t have to feel guilty about lying to Shmuel. In chapter fifteen, Bruno is at his home at “Out-with” when Bruno sees his friend Shmuel in his home cleaning glasses. Bruno thought it was a good idea to get some chicken for himself, but when he turns around his friend is looking at him sadly. Bruno feels guilty instantly “After a moment Bruno realized what he was looking at and immediately felt guilty” (Boyne 169). Bruno then chopes some slices to share with Shmuel but gets scared to eat the chicken. Shmuel gets scared that Lieutenant Kotler was going to come as he was eating chicken and after Kotler does come in the room. Somehow he knows that Shmuel ate something. Shmuel said something that almost got Bruno in trouble “‘He’s my friend’” (Boyne 171). After that Bruno told a lie about how he’s not Shmuel’s friend “‘i've never seen him before in my life’” (Boyne 172). For this, Shmuel did get punished for eating food, and Bruno then felt guilty. Because Bruno was naive about the Holocaust, he had to feel guilty about his friend for lying to him.
However, some people think that it was good that Bruno was naive about the Holocaust and they think this because in the end it turned out to be a better story than if he wasn’t naive about the Holocaust. They are wrong because if Bruno wasn’t

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