
Analysis Of Art And Ultimate Reality By Paul Tillich

Decent Essays

In “Art and Ultimate Reality”, by Paul Tillich he talks about the concept of what ultimate reality is and how it relates to art. Tillich explains that, “Ultimate reality underlies every reality and it characterizes the whole appearing world as non-ultimate, preliminary, transitory and finite” (Tillich 219). In other words, there is another truth beneath a truth making the world that we live in seem as if there’s more to it or it’s temporary. He also explains how philosophers have tried to get to the surface to find “ultimate reality” only to find more falsification and they try to dig even further to find what is truly real that cannot deceive us. According to Tillich there are three different ways in one can experience ultimate reality. Tillich …show more content…

The painting to me looks like a landmark with mountains, trees, clouds and a waterfall. As I was analyzing this particular painting it gave me a sense of peacefulness. The mountains are the first thing that caught my eye while I was analyzing this art. There was something intriguing about it, it looked like the place was misty or foggy because of the way the mountains are drawn. The leaves, and the waterfall can signify a change in the season from winter to spring . The painting seems like it’s a place where people go to for sightseeing, travelling or to find peace. After reading Tillich’s theory he would most likely classify this art as realism. He states, “It opens the eyes to a truth which is lost in the daily-life encounter with reality. We see as something unfamiliar what we believed we knew by meeting it day by day” (Tillich 228). Tillich explains that art makes us the see the truth about the things around us that we often neglect to see although we encounter those things in our daily life. Although this art shows us things which are insignificant, it shows us the reality in a way which was hidden to us …show more content…

La Vie shows a mother holding a baby in her arms while two couples are wrapped around each other. In addition, there is a painting on the back of two couple looking for comfort from one another. The colors that are used in this painting gives you a sense of sadness. I assumed the boy in the painting symbolizes the grown and mature version of the little baby as he develops a intimate relationship with another women. Furthermore, Tillich would most likely classify this art as expressionism. Tillich states, “Expression can be understood as the expression of the subjectivity of the artist, just as in the religious field, the spirit can be understood as an ecstatic- chaotic expression of realistic subjectivity” (Tillich 232). This element expresses an artist's reality something he has experienced in his life. I believe this is something the artist can relate to himself , however Tillich explains that this is the danger of this element because if the art only expresses the individuals reality then it does not express ultimate

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