
Analysis Of Andrew Light And Holmes Rolston 's Book, Environmental Ethics

Decent Essays

In the introduction of Andrew Light and Holmes Rolston’s book , Environmental Ethics: An Anthology, the authors explain the basic concepts of ethics: more specifically environmental ethics, and how they apply to everyday life. The main concepts discussed include moral agents, moral patients, anthropocentrism, weak or broad anthropocentrism, indirectly morally considerable, and directly morally considerable. These concepts are the foundations to the environmental ethics that Light and Rolston wrote about; however, in regards to the short story written by J. Lanham titled: “Hope and Feathers: A crisis in birder identification,” the two terms most predominately relating to the text are moral patients and moral agents. Lanham, in this text, describes the epitome of what it means to be a good moral agent, as interpreted by Light and Rolston, where others failed. Light and Rolston define these terms in their text as, “The class of moral patients is that class of beings to whom we owe ethical obligations, when those obligations can be ascertained, and are deserving of what we have been calling moral considerability. Moral agents are defined as that class of moral patients, usually only persons, to whom we owe obligations and who, in return, are held to be morally responsible for their actions. All moral agents are moral patients but not all moral patients are moral agents. When we accord moral agents moral recognition we can expect them to live up to certain duties related to

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