
Analysis: Do Immigrants Take Jobs From American-Born Workers

Decent Essays

Do Immigrants Take Jobs from American-Born Workers?

There has been a long standing debate that Immigrants are taking jobs away from the American people. Immigrants do not have to pay taxes, they get all the overtime and send all their money home instead of boosting our economy. These are some of the misconceptions that are backing the theory that immigrants are taking our jobs. The most astonishing amount of people being affected by immigration includes the poor, and uneducated; as well as the need to fix an immigration system, that is weak.
The article written by Steven Camarota “Unskilled Workers Lose Out to Immigrants” (Jan. 6, 2015) argues that there are large numbers of immigrants that are taking jobs from the unskilled worker. An …show more content…

6, 2105) insist that American workers are becoming more educated. This according to the author leaves only the jobs available that require little to no education for the immigrants. Enchautegui argues against Kallick’s standing that immigrants are displacing U.S. born workers. She states that the employment gains do not mean that immigrants are displacing U.S. workers but they are replacing them due to the fact that they are not competing for the same jobs. Enchautegui goes on further to suggest that most immigrants do not speak English well and seek out jobs that have little or no public interaction. The author provides evidence that those Americans without a college education has been on the decline; that out of the top 10 jobs, a high school or college education are not required for 8 of them. Enchautegui further suggest that if undocumented immigrants were granted a temporary status that this would lead to those seeking to learn new job skills and allowing them to apply for a lager range of jobs. While analyzing Enchautegui’s article, using the critical thinking skills and the HCTRS score, I would give this author a 3. There is some strong evidence to support her claims. Had the author explored more statistics on the

Conclusion; my personal opinion, not taking our jobs. Most of the jobs that immigrants are taking or employed at are lower paying jobs and often are harder and less

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