
Analogical Argument From Design

Decent Essays

Another way that “the argument from design” can be viewed is analogically. To begin, it is significant to understand the connotation behind the term analogical. For an argument to be analogical, it must be drawing parallels between two apparently dissimilar objects. Thus, it could be inferred that “the argument from design” is trying to draw parallels between humankind and the characteristics of nature (Ratzsch, 2005). The purpose of analogical arguments, particularly “the argument from design,” is to use analogies to confirm an idea. “The argument of design,” draws the analogies between humankind and nature in order to show that nature and human beings were both designed in such a complex manner that there had to be a supernatural being that designed both nature and mankind. …show more content…

In order from an argument to be deductive, the argument is required to follow a particular pattern that thus makes the argument valid. For “the argument from design” this can be formatted using what is classified as categorical syllogism- a form of argument that essentially follows a pattern of asserting if two objects are similar, and another object is similar to the first of the two objects, then all three objects are the same. To be exact, “the argument from design” states that “Some things in nature are design-like. Design-like properties are not producible by (unguided) natural means. Therefore, some things in nature are products of intentional design “ (Ratzsch, 2005). What this is attempting to assert is that design-like qualities such as cognition and body parts with clear uses are not able to be created by accident. Such complex structures in a life form would require for a being to generate, design, and synthesize such ideas. Thus, through valid logical thinking, it can be asserted that believing in God is logical and

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