
An Unexpected Companion : Influence : My Family As A Family

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An Unexpected Companion I have so much to be thankful for. Growing up in a middle class family with two loving parents and annoying, yet compassionate siblings, my family makes life worth living. These people, the rest of my immediate family, and best friends have all played such an significant role in shaping me into the man I am today. I could say so much about all of them and impart all the praise they deserve. However, I’d like to shift the spotlight to a person who lacks credit for his inspiring, resolute affect on my life. One person that has played an unexpected and unknown major role in my life is Joe Patrick. Prior to high school, Patrick and I only joked around during school and shared meaningless conversations regarding senseless topics. Entering into high school, we developed a special bond based around studies and life goals. American singer Donny Osmond perfectly describes the type of relationship I share with Patrick in expressing, “Always surround yourself with people who are better than you.” Patrick persists to find ways to keep me on the right path and push me to my limits. Through his hard work and achievements, he has established a standard for me that has drawn us to competition. Patrick’s lifestyle of constant perfection erected a friendship between us that’s bolstered me to get where I am today. It’s safe to conclude that I’ve never met a high schooler as mentally gifted as Joe Patrick. The way he’s able to memorize and retain information is unlike any student I’ve managed to witness walk the Wahlert halls. Taxing assignments and complex tests seem to come easy for Patrick. Attaining any grade less than an “A+” is perceived as an absolute failure for him. His perfectionism leads him to over study and spend countless hours reviewing class materials. Not only does he possess admirable knowledge, but without even understanding, he’s also a prime leader in the current Wahlert senior class. His lifestyle constructs beliefs in others and has caused particular actions to become popular. For example, the high acclaimed drinking of DOC 360 soda originated from him incessantly commending it. Patrick is more than the coffee aficionado and political enthusiast that he comes off as. His never

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