
An Explication Of A Poetry Explication Essay

Better Essays

Modified from Laurie Coleman and resources at The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1 ?

Essay #1: Poetry Explication

A poetry explication is a relatively short analysis that describes the possible meanings and relationships of the words, images, and other small units that make up a poem. It is a line-by-line unfolding or revealing of the meaning(s) of a poem as the poem develops that meaning from beginning to end. Writing an explication is an effective way for a reader to connect a poem 's plot and conflicts with its structural and literary features. Assignment:
Write a poetry explication of a poem you choose from the selection of poems found in our textbook. These poems should be no less than 14 lines and not more than 35. You pick. Do not research or go to other sources to learn about your poem. It is just between you and the poem.
Trust your own brain, and don?t let others think for you. Requirements:
This Poetry Explication should be 1000-1250 words. You are expected to display ?reflective thinking? in your explication, use the language of poetic analysis, and use quotes from the poem as you explicate it. It is due in MLA Manuscript Format and Documentation Style. Essays that show clear signs of the writer accessing outside research on their poem will lose at least -10 points.

MW Classes Due Dates for Drafts:
Draft 1 = 9/12 Draft 2 = 9/14 Draft 3 (Final) = 9/19
Late drafts for draft 1 or 2 lose -5 points.

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