
Amusing Ourselves To Death Summary

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Media culture has played a significant role in how we live as a society, forming a strong relationship between culture’s dominant medium and how public discourse is conducted. When it comes to American culture specifically, the development of media has extensively changed the way we communicate and learn, from telegraphy to present-day television. While many believe the media has only benefited our society and pushed us to new limits, the book Amusing Ourselves to Death gives a different perspective on the subject. In contrast to those opinions, Postman believes that over time society has become more reliant on media, and this entertainment-based medium will dictate the limitations of public discourse. In essence, Postman fears that our society …show more content…

Moreover, as noted from the start to finish of Amusing Ourselves to Death, Postman addresses the risks of entertainment that could jeopardize society as a whole. His belief that “[media] comes as the unintended consequence of a dramatic change in our modes of public conversation,” still holds true today, as forms of entertainment become more involved in our daily lives (Postman 157). In recent years, considering the pandemic as well, the media has become affiliated with our culture, as communication through politics, education, and even religion has all become a subject of entertainment. With this being said, the media has had a tremendous impact on civilization and many still believe that entertainment has only been beneficial to our society by providing us with more opportunities for success. In spite of this, Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death thoroughly demonstrates the influence media holds over humanity, asserting the risks society will face as we become more involved with entertainment. Although introduced decades ago, before new forms of entertainment like social media became available to the public, many of his claims about societal communication remain

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