
Amoris Saints Research Paper

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Now most people would think a man as beautiful and rich as Amoris Saints would be one of the suavest young men in the world, and, for the most part, they're right. Amoris use to grab hearts by the hundreds back in his teenage years. He kept his hair in a ponytail and grew out small chin hairs early, and that interested all the teenage ladies. Anytime his rich father, the world renown rapper, Preacher D, even referenced his son on stage the women would go crazy. He'd usually respond with a "Y'all know he underage right?" like he didn't know the majority of his lovers were teenagers themselves. Amoris loved the spotlight and misused it to hell. He kept himself with girls upon girls and went to party upon party showing him. But, after a while, …show more content…

Amoris inherited his mother's model hiring service when she felt too old to handle it. He hired bunches of girls of different shades and sexualities (something that he saw little of in the business), even hiring a lovely trans women named Chastity, the first trans women in the Gilded modeling biz. He also hired a lovely non-binary person, Quinn. Quinn's the only person who knows how much of a loser he is. How he used to stutter around most pretty girls and how it took lots of practice for him to talk to them without it. Or how he couldn't realize when someone was annoyed with his flirting until they said stop. Or how he used stupid ass moments to flirt with unsuspecting young women. Yes, he planned it, and quite badly too. And Quinn loves to tease him over bad flirting. "You dumb ass, I told you not to do it but no, I know everything! I'm the great Amoris I knows love like my first damn name!" Amoris rolls his eyes and sips on his lemonade. He has no time to be worrying about Quinn's "I told you so", just this gorgeous young women and her lovely "assets". Blonde ombre hair, brown eyes, thick and big-lord he should shut his mind up before he starts speaking instead of …show more content…

"Dejan I don't want a girl who comes to me because of you, just no. I want one who comes for me." "Nobody just comes up to a famous guy unless they famous or rich themselves. You gotta bring them over." Quinn says "Amen" while the others laugh. For a thirty-year-old Amoris has been acting like a teenager around women ever since Diana divorced him. Maybe it was the cheating? Maybe it's because women use to float towards him and now they seem so scared of him? He didn't cheat, she did! No tabloids even say that! Why would girls stay away from him? He sipped a little bit of his lemonade, staring at the girl's beauty. She's most likely thinking about how weird he was. Damn it why is he such a loser? Lord if he could just come up to her. Then he looked up, seeing a disappeared Dejan. He looked around to see he was talking to the girl and her also quite good looking friend. Wait, what the hell is he

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