Technology has been ruining our lives since its inception back in the 23,460 BCE revolution of the cavemen, when the people rushed to the mall to buy the new iOoga (now with more stone). You may be thinking ‘Hasn’t technology made our lives easier? I can get any information in 30 seconds!’. You may even be right (shocker). However, this kind of information is the very cause of our downfall. It ruins our lives by killing us, taking our jobs and happiness, and killing the environment. I humbly offer a solution - that all citizens of the world are to be made Amish, and block technology from our lives all together. The Amish are a very peaceful, old fashioned religious society where most, if not all technology is banned.
Most importantly, a vast
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With the use of cars, gasoline and electric (yes, even your Prius or Tesla is not helping), the ozone layer is depleted more and more, and permanently. Electric cars still require the same amount of metal and leather and other resources to build as non-electric cars, so they are not better in that vein. “Your electric car doesn’t need gas, but it still might get its energy from burning carbon. It depends on how your local grid generates electricity. If you use coal-fired power plants to produce the electricity, then all-electrics don’t even look that much better than a traditional vehicle in terms of greenhouse gases” (Wade, par 4). As these cars are not more environmentally friendly than cars and other motorized vehicles, the horse and buggy proves to be a much more superior choice of transport, powering over even the one of a kind Lamborghini Aventador (which has 750 horsepower, impeccable brakes, and phenomenal steering). The Amish way of life is far cleaner to the environment, and if the world’s humans convert immediately, then the world may yet be saved. “Scientists have concluded that most of the observed warming is very likely due to the burning of coal, oil, and gas” (Carroll, par 1). The Amish do not need to mass farm fish or whale oil. They do not need to melt the ice caps in their path of survival, and they
In this article the author, Howard Rheingold, describes his experience when he decided to visit the amish communities. There he discussed why they put self-imposed rules upon themselves. He realized it was not because they resented technology, the Amish love fancy barbeques and electric saws, but they saw that in the “english” world, people are being separated from their community. The amish decided they would try their hardest to avoid this separation caused by technological advances, “Look Who's Talking” by Howard Rheingold, convinces the reader to analyze the pros and cons of technology; to decide whether or not certain devices are beneficial towards people and their community.
Thousands of years have passed that we have lived with technology, and it has worked in our benefit in many circumstances. However, it has become an addiction,
On the news, there are many reports about how the arctic ice is shrinking which then leads to the animals that are living there. Since the ice is melting away, the struggles of staying together and hunting for food are increasing. It kind of hurts to know because the earth didn’t belong to us humans, but belonged to the animals. Since the start of industrialization and urbanization, we have been causing havoc to those animals and they just had to deal with it. Imagine you were living up in the Arctic with your family and living happily, until the ground started melting away and everyone was separated. The chance of survival would be lowered because there is no one around to care and watch over for you. Also, as years go by, I feel that the usage of automobiles have increased by a lot. The exhaust emissions have contributed to the air pollution immensely, so that the air in Vancouver and the air in China are on two different levels. China has more than 114 million cars that are used every day9. Imagine all of the car emissions in china being placed into a building the size of Van Tech. The visibility would be zero and inhaling a tiny bit would lead to very serious sicknesses. People can help lower the pollution by riding bikes and conserve energy at
Nearly every household in America owns a gas powered vehicle, which pollutes our environment daily. Our society needs to consider furthering its knowledge and use of electric cars. Pollution of our environment must come to a halt in every situation possible in order to save the future of our atmosphere. I believe that the switch from gas-powered cars to electric cars is a very necessary and reasonable approach to save the environment. Several different car manufacturers have already began making efforts to adapt their vehicles to become more environmentally safe products. Although our country runs off oil and its proceeds, we can still attempt to make conversions that will lead to an overall
Planet earth has been around for 4.5 billion years, as landscapes such as glaciers covered large parts of the earth. Humans have been on earth for about 200,000 years, causing all sorts of changes to the environment. Humans have constructed a new earth as; roads, bridges, canals, and shelter have been built throughout the planet. This takes a toll on earth, but climate change has never been a real topic being debated, until the late 20th century. As time goes on, new inventions are being constructed such as the automobile. The first gas-powered automobile was built in 1886 (N/A). As the years progressed, the automobile became a necessity, as almost every family owned one. The United States was booming after the industrial revolution, factories were made producing all sorts of new inventions. Little did humans know, these factories and automobiles were producing all sorts of greenhouse gasses causing harm to the earth. Climate change is a topic that is grasping attention throughout the planet, as humans are now seeing the consequences of these actions.
To begin with, electric cars are better for the planet. They decrease the emission of
First, electric cars help reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses. For example, last week my friend Jim bought a new Mercedes sport utility car. His car has extremely high technology, and powerful fast engine. The problem with this new Mercedes is that it emit so much greenhouse gasses, to
Since the industrial revolution, the environment has gotten contaminated with carbon dioxide, the product of any combustion reaction. For many years a lot of improvement has been made in order for big industries to release less harmful gases to the atmosphere. Since 2012 the number of electric cars roaming around the world have quadrupled. This growth is linked to subsidies offered by different governments in order to reduce greenhouse gas emission. These cars are popular in many places like Norway, Quebec, and California. Recent ads suggest shifting to these cars due to their “zero emission feature”, since they run on electricity, their engine doesn’t have a combustion reaction and no carbon dioxide gets released. While it’s true that the act of driving one of these cars doesn’t contaminate the environment, there’s other factors to consider for if this transition is really all that beneficial like the media claims.
Automobiles have since evolved and become almost a necessity for people. While they have become of major importance, they also hold many drawbacks to our environment. They are the leading cause of transportation emissions and they generate a majority of America’s global warming emissions. Even though air pollution emissions from motor vehicles have dropped considerably since 1950, Automobiles still produce about 60% of US transportation emissions and generate nearly 30% of America’s global warming emissions (Car Emissions and Global Warming). The average conventional automobile can be seen as fairly gas inefficient. Compared to a hybrid electric vehicle, conventional cars produce about 1.5 times more greenhouse gas emissions and costs more in fuel costs. Within a 100-mile trip, conventional vehicles produce about 87 lb CO2, hybrid electric vehicles produce 57 lb CO2, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles produce 62 lb CO2, and all-electric vehicles produce 54 lb CO2 (see table 1). This shows that hybrid and electric cars produce less greenhouse gas emissions and costs less for fuel, compared to a conventional pure gas powered vehicle.
Technology has virtually defined the human condition since the early stages in the species evolution. First there were rudimentary tools such as arrows and hammering utensils which allowed humans a far great range in manipulating their environment. Further developments such as fire, clothing, and shelter and so on changed the way humans lived and every aspect of their lives. Today's societies have more advanced tools such as a laptop, IPod, GPS, cell phone, a seemingly infinite number of other gizmos and gadgets that shape their lives. This essay will question whether these devices will add to our wellbeing and improve our lives or if the development of technology has hit a threshold point in which further developments are of little practical value or even of negative consequence.
Technology surrounds us. Like water in the ocean, people are swimming in technology each and every day. From the radio playing a favorite song to a text received about the results of a game, people use technology constantly. However, there is a point at which people are overtaken by technology; when the wave engulfs us and there is no way out. People are becoming more and more dependent on technology. Ever since technology began heavily integrating itself into society, many major uses have developed, but at a cost that brings on dangerous side effects, both mental and physical, as shown by the potential Y2K bug, that will continue unless active measures are sought out by those so dependent on technology.
Global Warming is a topic of interest in today’s world and ways that we could cut back our carbon footprint. Electrical vehicles are vehicles that use electricity to power the motors in order to run. Electrical vehicles are thought to be one of the solutions to greenhouse gases and global warming. While electric vehicles tend to produce pollution at times from their backup motors, electrical cars depend on a fuel source that doesn’t originate from burning fossil fuels, which produces fewer greenhouse gases and cuts back on oil consumption. Electric Vehicles are starting to replace combustion engine vehicles, and some towns are using smaller electric vehicles in their own Public Safety, Parks, and Water departments. Greenhouse gases should be cut back by electrical vehicles, and fear for their lives.
Technology is continuously developing and has begun creating shortcuts for the American society. As a society we need to find a balance between our technological use and our everyday life. In my opinion, society has become too dependent on technology. The more advanced technology becomes, the more it seems to be gaining control over our lives. Even though technology is offering society many beneficial qualities; it also is causing many negative effects to occur. Technology is affecting society socially, mentally, and physically.
There is a worldwide problem of Global Warming. It is increasing day after day, harming our planet’s atmosphere by reducing the strength of the ozone layer. Global warming is putting all basic human needs in jeopardy. There are various reasons behind global warming. One of the major reasons is fuel engine cars and trucks we use in our everyday lives. Fuel engine cars leave a trail of unhealthy monoxide gas as the result of combustion in the engine. Carbon Monoxide is one of many gases which is harmful to the ozone layer. Global warming is already causing high temperatures, rising sea levels, floods, and droughts. To help reduce the effects of the fuel engine cars on our environment we should start using electric cars. Electric cars run on rechargeable batteries which do not leave a trail of carbon monoxide. Electric cars are fuel-efficient vehicles which use less gas to travel the same distance as their less efficient counterparts. When we burn less fuel, we generate fewer emissions. When emissions go down, the pace of global warming slows. Cleaner fuels produce fewer emissions when they are burned. Some fuels such as those made from biofuels can reduce emissions by 80 percent compared to gasoline, and cleaner extraction techniques can ensure that dirty fuel like oil doesn’t get dirtier. Electric cars will also help many countries stop fighting over fuel and also give countries independence. Electric cars should be globalized so that it helps create a
Did you know that the average person in this day and age spends nearly 3.9 years of their entire life using some sort of electronical device? In today's modernized society, we are greatly influenced by the uses of what technology has to offer. Not only does it play a key role in most of our lives, but it has revolutionized the way we actually live. Simply look around you and the chances are you will be faced with a wide array of different electronic technologies that have taken over the way we live. The use of modernized technology is something rather new, but it is here to stay for years to come. This being said, in today’s society, we are simply not mentally capable of understanding the true evils of what the use of technology has in storage for us.