
Amish Technology

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Technology has been ruining our lives since its inception back in the 23,460 BCE revolution of the cavemen, when the people rushed to the mall to buy the new iOoga (now with more stone). You may be thinking ‘Hasn’t technology made our lives easier? I can get any information in 30 seconds!’. You may even be right (shocker). However, this kind of information is the very cause of our downfall. It ruins our lives by killing us, taking our jobs and happiness, and killing the environment. I humbly offer a solution - that all citizens of the world are to be made Amish, and block technology from our lives all together. The Amish are a very peaceful, old fashioned religious society where most, if not all technology is banned.
Most importantly, a vast …show more content…

With the use of cars, gasoline and electric (yes, even your Prius or Tesla is not helping), the ozone layer is depleted more and more, and permanently. Electric cars still require the same amount of metal and leather and other resources to build as non-electric cars, so they are not better in that vein. “Your electric car doesn’t need gas, but it still might get its energy from burning carbon. It depends on how your local grid generates electricity. If you use coal-fired power plants to produce the electricity, then all-electrics don’t even look that much better than a traditional vehicle in terms of greenhouse gases” (Wade, par 4). As these cars are not more environmentally friendly than cars and other motorized vehicles, the horse and buggy proves to be a much more superior choice of transport, powering over even the one of a kind Lamborghini Aventador (which has 750 horsepower, impeccable brakes, and phenomenal steering). The Amish way of life is far cleaner to the environment, and if the world’s humans convert immediately, then the world may yet be saved. “Scientists have concluded that most of the observed warming is very likely due to the burning of coal, oil, and gas” (Carroll, par 1). The Amish do not need to mass farm fish or whale oil. They do not need to melt the ice caps in their path of survival, and they

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