
American Federalism Today

Decent Essays

American federalism today (2016) effectively protects individual freedom and enables laws and policies that benefit most Americans.

Federalism is power amongst the government. It makes it so that the power is separated between national and state government. Federalism makes it so the either the federal government (otherwise known as national government) and state government doesn’t have too much power. If one side of the government got too much power, it would cause chaos amongst everyone and eventually we would most likely end up with an anarchy, which wouldn’t end turn out so great either.

There are two types of government in the United States, Federal and State. Federal government is based out of Washington DC. It is also known as National government. The national government is in charge of regulating trade between states and declaring war. State government usually has their own education system, their own police department, and their own …show more content…

It keep the country united as a country, keeps us safe from other countries who try to harm us, and it keeps us ‘in line’ as I will call it. By ‘in line’ I mean that we, for the most part, have laws to follow, we have these laws so it doesn’t cause chaos. If we didn’t have the government it would be anarchy, anarchy is chaos, chaos doesn’t have any laws, and so on. We need the government for many reasons. Mainly so we can be safe, and not live in a chaotic world. Another reason for the government is taxes, most people look at this as a bad thing but I am sure it has its benefits, you just have to dig really deep. Taxes according to Britain were sent out to the thirteen colonies, were used to keep the colonies protected, that was until they declared independence. Now we have taxes on everything for many different reasons. If it wasn’t for the government we would have many problems but we wouldn’t have taxes. So when it comes down to it, I would much rather pay taxes then the

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