
American Dream Poem By Langston Hughes

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The American Dream What exactly is the definition of the American Dream? America has always been known for being a country that allows people to pursue their dreams, but how could African Americans have the same liberties years ago if they were not viewed as "people". Although slavery ended before his time period, the American Dream was still unattainable for African Americans. Quite a few of Langston Hughes poems were known to bring about the idea that the American dream should be available for all races. Simultaneously, he also spurred the idea that we are all one while addressing it from a minority's standpoint. Through his poetry, he wanted to inspire them to never lose their vigor or faith in themselves. In Langston Hughes's poems " I,too", "The Negro Speaks of Rivers", and ‘Let Americans be Americans Again" evokes a sense of unity as he illustrates his desire to restore pride in the hearts of African Americans and urge them to pursue the American Dream that everyone else feels entitled to in this country. The speaker in "I, too" opens the poem by saying I, to sing America(line 1), highlighting that he is …show more content…

Mentioning rivers could also suggest the idea baptism. The final lines of the poem suggest that the rivers have helped perform a type of baptism on his soul itself. Baptism has brought him knowledge and the ability to go back ancestrally to those before him because he is able to know of" rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins".The poem suggests that African Americans are more valuable than what people make them out to be. Langston Hughes's poem "Let America be America Again" is much like his poem" I, too". This poem tackles issues of racial and social freedom and equality in America. It shows many hardships and unfairness that African Americans had to go through. The idea of the American Dream is also outlined in this

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