
American Dream Great Gatsby

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American Dream in The Great Gatsby The American Dream, the idea that people can change their social class and wealth by working hard, is what makes America so Great. Many people believed in this dream, but the Modernists had a different view and often wondered, Is the American Dream really possible? Does it even Exist? F. Scott Fitzgerald expresses these thoughts throughout the Novel, The Great Gatsby, written in a time where people had a very pessimistic view of life. Fitzgerald uses the role of Jay Gatsby to argue that the American Dream isn’t as achievable as people think and is quite impossible. The role of Gatsby depicts the idea that no matter how hard a person works the rich will always be dominant and social or economic mobility …show more content…

His former or real name was James Gatz and he decided to change this when he turned 17. During this time Gatsby met a man named Dan Cody one day by rowing out to his yacht and telling him that there were dangerous winds headed his way. When Gatsby got out to the yacht he believed it “represented all the beauty and glamor in the world” (Fitzgerald 107). Dan Cody was impressed by Gatsby and took him aboard his ship. While he was on board he worked as a variety of different jobs, and throughout these jobs Dan Cody began to put more and more trust in Gatsby. The two stayed on this boat for a long time and sailed many miles. When Dan cody Passed away Gatsby “was left with his singularly appropriate education” in which gatsby’s appearance of wealth comes from (Fitzgerald 108). After this gatsby went off to …show more content…

He wanted to win her back “because she [was] a member of the established American aristocracy of wealth” (Canterbery 300). To Gatsby she represents everything he wanted to achieve in life; the high economic status, and the appearance of wealth. Everything that Gatsby did was in an effort to look more appealing to Daisy and attract her back to him. By doing these things “Gatsby attempted to display a purchasing ability that was out of his reach” (Canterbery 300). Gatsby did not realize that he could not buy daisy back with just money, and she evidently found Tom Buchannon more appealing in the end because of his wealth and social status. Even when Gatsby died Daisy never called or came to the funeral because Tom a member of the Old money class showed her a side to Gatsby that she did not like. Everything thing Gatsby did was to pursue his dream of being with Daisy and becoming a member of the Wealthy class, but it all failed as a result of Tom (Old money) exploiting the bad things about Gatsby's (new money) to Daisy. Daisy went back to Tom and left Gatsby at his own funeral alone. Regardless of Gatsby’s efforts to fulfil his dream he was never able to fully make the transition to a higher social class and never made it with Daisy. Throughout Gatsby’s story Fitzgerald expresses that “The American dream is not to be a reality, in that it no longer exists, except in the minds of men like Gatsby, whom it

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