
Against Odds In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

When you were a child, did you hear the word “success” or the phrase “the American Dream” and immediately think of fancy cars, wealth, and having a big house? Jay Gatsby, the main character in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a prime example of how the American Dream can be destroyed by modern ideals- that the once attainable dream is now lost on the American people.

The novel introduces the original aspects of the American Dream along with the modernistic view of the American Dream (to show how the once touchable dream is now unrecoverable in the American people). Fitzgerald presents the main qualities of the old American dream; perseverance, hope, and the idea of success against all odds in The Great Gatsby through the character Jay Gatsby. The idea of succeeding against all odds is shown through the life of James …show more content…

An example of this his copy of the Adventures of Hopalong Cassidy and his self-improvement program (from Ben Franklin’s autobiography). When he showed the journal to Nick, Mr. Gatz told him that “Jimmy… [was all] about improving his mind’ (175). This obsession of self-improvement and wanting to be successful probably stemmed from Gatsby’s childhood; a poor son of unsuccessful farmers. In the novel, Jay Gatsby is the living proof of another main character of the American dream… hope. When “[Gatsby stretches] out his arms toward” “[the] single green light… at the end of the dock” (21-22), it is a good example of his longing; for Daisy’s love, money, success, and acceptance. The reaching towards the light symbolizes his constant hopefulness. He “believed in the green light” (182). Gatsby’s

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