
Aman Resorts

Decent Essays

Rather than a self-installed MOOC implementation, Aman Resorts also has an alternative by using third party solutions. Two types of third party solutions are available to use, outsource the MOOC system to another party entirely, or a mixture of “pick and choose” MOOC where Aman Resorts can take advantage of existing MOOC solutions (Dodson, Kitburi, & Berge, 2015, pp.16-17).
Outsourcing our corporate training to a company well versed in implementing MOOC solutions could be a great alternative compared to a self-installed solution. Many companies such as Intrepid Learning and Udemy provide MOOC services to other companies. In fact, many prominent companies have collaborated with other MOOC companies successfully, such as Yahoo and …show more content…

There is a variety of options to choose from, for instance, a common option many companies choose from is to make use of already established MOOC provider’s courses. The simplest option is to encourage employees to improve complete parts of their training using relevant courses from the existing MOOC providers (Dodson, Kitburi, & Berge, 2015, pp.17). For instance, Coursera collaborated with MasterCard and provided a course based on web applications for 2,500 MasterCard employees (Sanchez-Gordon & Lujan-Mora, 2015, pp.123). In addition, another variation of “pick and choose” is by utilizing only parts of a MOOC and tweak it to their needs. Rather than integrating a complete MOOC solution or using outside help, Aman Resorts can take the most useful features of the MOOC for their training solution. This way, Aman Resorts does not have to build one from the ground up, and may be able to integrate previous training solutions (Dodson, Kitburi, & Berge, 2015, pp.17). Also, by utilizing only parts of the MOOC, Aman Resorts also gets greater control over the content used in the training and potential savings in …show more content…

Employees from partner agencies will need to familiarize themselves with the new MOOC and likewise, Aman Resorts needs to needs to provide diverse content to ensure compatibility with all employees. For example, (Sanchez-Gordon & Lujan-Mora, 2015, pp.125) suggests MOOC to be universally accessible by people with the widest range of capabilities, such as the disabled or language deficient, by identifying accessibility requirements and incorporate them from the

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