
Alte Case Studies

Decent Essays

During my second day shift at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, a four month old, male patient was admitted to my floor with a diagnosis of apparent life-threatening event (ALTE). An apparent life-threatening event (ALTE) usually occurs in children under the age of one (Kaji et al., 2013). This syndrome is characterized by extreme apnea, coughing and gagging, a sudden change in color ranging from pale to cyanotic, and a change in muscle tone (Kaji et al., 2013). According to Aminiahidashti (2015), prematurity, age, gender (boys more than girls), previous history of respiratory illnesses, and prematurely born children undergoing general anesthesia are more likely to suffer an episode of ALTE. The cause of ALTE could be idiopathic in nature but it could also be associated with conditions like neuromuscular disorders, seizures, pertussis, bronchiolitis, cardiac dysrhythmias, congenital heart defect, child maltreatment, gastroesophageal reflux, a mandible that is smaller than normal leading to the obstruction to the airway, and endocrine and metabolic problems (London, Ladewig, Ball, Bindler, & Cowen, 2011). …show more content…

At first, I felt nervous and did not know how to react but I was able to pull myself back together and implemented my nursing actions based on what I had learn from the literature review.
My decision to implement these actions was based on the ability to recall information on what to do in cases where a patient experiences trouble breathing or respiratory failure. As healthcare providers, we are responsible for recognizing and rapidly assessing for signs and symptoms of distress and treat them accordingly. Part of this responsibility includes providing emergent care to our patients when the situation calls for it to prevent and reduce mortality in the hospital

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