
Alpha Book Report Sample

Decent Essays

It is my honor to nominate the Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. for the Ujamaa Community Award, recognizing its leadership and vision for a healthy community at Ujamaa and, ultimately, at Cornell. One of the Chapter’s main goals this year has been to expand students’ ability to participate in processes and issues that impact them. Last month, the Chapter welcomed the new Dean of Students, Dr. Vijay Pendakur, to speak at Ujamaa. During the event, students got a chance to hear about the new Dean’s goals and how they might affect the lives of students and communities of color. The discussion included a brainstorming session on ways to improve the student climate and experience at Cornell. As a result, many students were able to make substantive connections with higher-level administrators, including Associate Dean of Students/Director of Intercultural Programs Dr. Renee Alexander and Director of John Henrik Clarke Africana Library Mr. Eric Acree. Many students were also able to use the opportunity to begin or further pursuing making a difference in an issue meaningful to them.

Furthermore, Alpha Phi Alpha inspired by its national program, “A Voteless People is a Hopeless People,” encouraged …show more content…

An example of “doing something for” members of the community was when the Chapter in a joint effort with BSU and Southside Community Center provided a little holiday cheer for the children in the Ithaca community. The holiday festival was hosted at Ujamaa where gifts, festive treats, and memories were made with the kids. The goals of this event was to build more bridges between the Cornell and greater Ithaca community and to provide young children an opportunity to interact with college students who looked like them as minority representation in higher education is

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