
Limited Alumni Engagement

Decent Essays

Limited Alumni Engagement Due to Campus Experience Very few studies focus on the limited engagement of Black alumni who graduate from PWIs. Even fewer offer suggestions as to how to increase this engagement. Black alumni are more likely to be engaged with the university when they have had positive undergraduate experiences (Gaier, 2005). These positive experiences are due to the relationships that were developed while they were students on campus. Newman and Petrosko (2011) describe it as a positive emotional attachment, which generates alumni loyalty. Many Black alumni who graduated from this PWI, don't feel connected to the campus. They only choose to be engaged when there are other engaged Black alumni with whom they had a relationship or when their engagement helps current Black students. McDearmon (2013) posits that alumni who have a perceived role of behavior (e.g. it is my duty to support the university through volunteering) are more likely to be involved with …show more content…

Since many of the participants stated that they did not have a relationship with their classmates, it makes sense that they would choose not to be engaged with the university based on Gaier's statement. This also explains why alumni choose to participate in affinity group activities. The participants who are engaged through affinity groups talked extensively about their interpersonal relationships with other Black alumni while they were students on campus and wanted to relive these positive memories. According to Meeuwisse, Severiens, and Born (2010), ethnic minorities feel less comfortable in their educational environment than their classmates from the dominant culture, which would explain why Black students would not spend time at their class reunion. Alumni that are engaged tend to do it for the benefit of the students which is discussed

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