
All Quiet On The Western Front Analysis

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The novel All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Remarque is about a German foot soldier in the First World War. It is known that World War 1 was really a horrific one as millions were killed on the battlefield. Though this novel was written in 1928 it really helps people in the 21st century understand the suffering and pain that the soldiers went through. The protagonist Paul along with his comrades were put in many unfamiliar situations where they were expected to kill the enemy and come home unharmed. The theme ; soldiers dehumanize their enemies in war, so they do not hesitate and get themselves killed, appears many times in the text. This book dwells deep into the how the soldiers must dehumanize their enemies to kill them with no emotion. It portrays the horrors of war and how civilians were turned into killing machines to survive. If the soldiers were to think even for one second their chances of survival went down exponentially.
Throughout the book, Paul and the other German soldiers dehumanize French and Russians. The Germans are said to turn into “instant human animals” when going to the front (56). When humans have the feeling of turning into animals, it would be sensible to assume that they believe they are stooping down to the level of the enemy to hunt them. This also shows the amount of rage the soldiers have against the opposing side, as it said they turn into animals as the front is approached. In the English language when figuratively it is said to turn

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