
Alison Bechdel's Fun Home Analysis

Decent Essays

The sources that I’ve found on gender identity in Alison Bechdel’s novel Fun Home evaluate the acquisition of gender identification as it pertains to the literary elements and medium for presentation as influential towards youth gender establishment using queer history. The main effects used by Bechdel are artifice in terms of her father, “real” identity versus “true” identity, and the gender norms forced on Bruce and how these norms influenced his identity and Alison’s. This paper will attempt to combine Bechdel’s visual techniques with her broader literary identity and utilize these sources as support for these claims.
The arguments outlined in McBean are quite persuasive regarding Bechdel’s visual and literary elements. McBean uses Understanding …show more content…

This article analyzes how Bechdel’s work can facilitate queer youth gender establishment, while pointing at specific parts of the text that may be useful to those also struggling with finding their own identity. I find that this article is useful by providing a general outline for how one establishes identity and connects this to Bechdel’s visually important scenes in her text. Bauer also describes the use of other well-known literature as an attempt for Bechdel to relate her struggles internally and externally to something tangible. Connecting this literature to artifice, as well as the extremely difficult representations of Alison’s identity versus Bruce’s identity, will support my arguments and relay Bruce’s preference for fiction over reality. Bauer explains the different levels of versions of intimacy that both Bechdel and her father attribute to these renowned texts, while remaining unspoken in reality. This article will do well asserting my positions of Bechdel’s identity and will provide insight into Bruce’s perceivable …show more content…

Stebbins discusses Alison’s use of literature to attempt to explain her father’s death, as well. Yet, expands on this by saying that she still lacks the clarity and understanding of her father’s “true” identity versus the one he projects towards society. Stebbins describes the evasiveness of sexuality depicted by Bechdel and uses the example of Alison’s way of coming out to support this. She asserts that lesbian is an inadequate description of Alison’s sexuality, which Bechdel also remarks in the text. Nevertheless, this article is a little lacking in that it focuses mostly on how Bechdel’s literary techniques affect those reading and says less about the effect on Bechdel. It is for this reason that I intend to find more sources to further enhance the strength of my

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