
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World-A Powerless Society

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Brave New World: A Powerless Society “Community, Identity, Stability” (Huxley 6). This motto of the World State is structured, but almost too structured, just like their society. This civilization’s main purpose is to maintain a perfect world, where everyone is created to the government’s liking, so nothing goes out of order. Although stability is a great component to acquire in society, is it to the point where citizens are too alike? In his novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley illustrates how citizens are deindividualized in a negative light by their controlled society due to the use of technology, drug use, and conditioning. First, technology is a major factor in creating the forced society in Huxley’s novel. “A squat grey building of …show more content…

More specifically, the use of “soma” is strictly encouraged for use by the government. “Euphoric, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinant” (Huxley 53). This relaxing drug has the effect to sedate the citizens, which also distracts them from realizing that they are basically a slave in their society. Although soma may be the perfect drug for the government's control, this medicine robs people of their sanity. It is extremely unfair to the citizens that they will always be tricked from the truth, which is that they have no power …show more content…

Throughout the novel, many phrases are repeated by the citizens, revealing a hypnotic procedure was enacted on them. For instance, a repetitive phrase often said is, “the more stitches, the less riches.” These brainwashing approaches stray citizens away from thinking for themselves, which then results in a more stable community. Since people are not actually creating thoughts in their minds, no questions will be asked, meaning no problems in society. This hypnotic method is also done to children. “They’ll have that repeated forty or fifty times before they wake… A hundred and twenty times three times a week for thirty months” (Huxley 27). This quote explains how children are taught to repeat phrases while sleeping to hypnotize them for their future lives. This concept, otherwise known as “sleep-teaching,” forces children to memorize these thoughts which make them believe that they all contribute to society. Since they are only children, this process works because they do not know what else to think because they have never been trained to believe anything else. The children are also asleep, so they are basically forced to learn without even realizing. Moreover, these citizens are easily hypnotized and conditioned because they have no other previous knowledge to compare ideas to. As the Director declares, “History is bunk” (Huxley 34). In other terms, Brave New World’s

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