
Alcohol In Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis

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Persepolis is a very unique graphic novel written by Marjane Satrapi. The book mainly depicts her childhood growing up and the struggles she went through. She was originally born in Iran and growing up, there was a lot of war and hardships. She experienced a lot of death in her family, learning different things from them all. Once her parents decide to send her to Vienne, France; her life completely changes. She envelops herself in an alcohol and drug addiction. Now in the two different cultures drinking is done for two completely different things. That is a large question in her development, what is the difference in drinking and drug use in the two different cultures/countries? She starts developing the lifestyle of other western teens, not …show more content…

In the book it shows multiple times where they would be forced to run and hide from the law enforcement whilst doing these actions. But these actions were done to escape the harsh rule of the government on them. It allowed them to freely express themselves and give the party everything they could, in the small allotted time they could find. It was much more of a social event to bond with friends and share the fun times, as in Vienna, the parties Marjane went to, were all about relaxing and smoking. At those parties people would just smoke and go off on their own, or go off in pairs to have sex. One quote that really resonates this is when Marjane herself said, “In Iran, at parties, everyone would dance and eat. In Vienna, people preferred to lie around and smoke.” (23.42) Those parties showing the true colors of Vienna, even when she got back home to Iran, one of the last parties the book talks about, she completely intoxicates herself. But the reason behind the intoxication was purely the fact that the government didn’t want her to. “That same night, Ali had a big party at his house. I never drank so much in my life.” (35.85) Not only was it that the government didn’t want her to, it was also because her friend just died as well. While in Vienna the focus of parties were just to mellow out, and usually were much more drug focused that actual …show more content…

Even though her parents taught her to never do drugs because she would become like a vegetable, before she gets into hardcore drugs she does remember her parent’s teachings, “Becoming a vegetable was out of the question.” (24.25). Even with those teachings she still got involved. She would get on many different things just to try them out. Her friend Markus was the one who started getting her into them. First it was cigarettes, then followed by weed, then countless other pills/drugs that she could get her hand on, eventually getting too far for even Marcus, “I had started taking more and more [drugs]. At first, Markus was very impressed, then, he started to lecture me, and finally, he distanced himself.” (27.4-27.26) .From smoking a cigarette to tripping on hallucinogens, the drive to fit in convinced her to try any and all of the new drugs. The problem got so bad that eventually she turned into a drug dealer, just purely to fit in. Drugs in Iran however were much less popular. The only drugs mainly used in Iran were cigarettes, and those were really only allowed to be smoked in public by elders, they had a very strong control on those drugs. But the ones she did start to get on in Iran themselves were when she was diagnosed with depression. In that state she was then reduced to being almost completely numb, she even see’s god in her drugged out state. He is the one who convinces her to get her life back on track,

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