
Aging Out Of Foster Care Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The purpose of this policy was to provide funding for children aging out of foster care to provide independent living such as housing and job skills. According to Fernandes{} (2006) “Around 30% of children who left foster care in 2003 were 12 years or younger when they entered care. This suggests that children who are leaving care without being formally reunified with a parent, adopted, or placed in guardianship are a growing concern of child welfare agencies and policymakers. Recently emancipated foster care youth are particularly vulnerable during the transition to adulthood. While many young people have access to financial and emotional support systems throughout their early adult years, former foster youth often lack assistance in developing independent living skills to ease the transition. Studies indicate that youth who have “aged out” of foster care fare poorly relative to their counterparts in the general population on several outcome measures: employment, education, homelessness, mental health, medical insurance coverage, …show more content…

Chafee Foster Care Independence Program to youths who have aged out of foster care and have not attained age 23” ( As mentioned before, problems arise when a child is emancipated from foster care without any family support, most children rely on their caregivers (parents) well into their 30’s for support and on top of that foster children face unique problems. New Leaf Foster Care Agency advocated for policies that would extend the age a child could remain in foster care and focusing on promoting permanency placements (Adoption) before the age of

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