
Agin Aging Should Be Abolished Essay

Decent Essays

In 2012 there was an average of 36 million licensed drivers over the age of 65. In that same year, more than 5,560 were involved in fatal car crashes, and 214,000 in a non-fatal accident(Older Adult Drivers). While each state has its own requirements for when the elderly must retake their driving exam, the majority of them don’t require it until the age of 75(License Renewal). We should modulate that age, and cut back on the time frame for how often they must retest. We should start the process at the age of 50, and make the retest every 5 years. The decline may be different for everyone, affecting individuals at differing ages. We would still be able to safeguard a vast amount of lives by doing this. And they should not be condemned for their shortcomings, most times it’s entirely their mental state decreasing(Senior Citizens Driving). And other times it’s possibly a medical issue. Such as diabetes, which causes numb feet, making the driver no longer competent enough to feel the pedals beneath them(Facts And Research). …show more content…

It might be because the loss of practically all cognition of their youth. When aging, people lose a lot of sensations they had in their youth. The ability to make split-second decisions, judge other drivers’ decisions, and react to things such as juveniles and creatures running in the street, diminishes(Older Adult Drivers). Most may find it difficult to read signs, due to their vision dwindling. In some cases, the peripheral vision, which is very important for determining the objects surrounding the car, will be lost. Making it almost impossible to detect other cars when changing lanes(Older Adult Drivers). Some elderly drivers have complications with flexibility, such as turning their head and neck, whether it be to see other drivers or to back in/out(Older Adult

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