
Should Minimum Driving Age Be Raised

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When I heard that the minimum driving age was going to raise, my little brother screamed running into the bathroom to turn on the shower to cold. While the whole time I was watching him and laughing my behind off but inside I was feeling sorry for him. The driving age should not be raised, because students who are younger and learning to drive will stop learning to drive since the age has risen even when they were so closed to their goal. Instead the students will not learn then that would lead to drive without a driving licence and permit. The minimum driving age shouldn’t be raise because student’s will not listen to the law they will drive anyway, that would be bad for the kids parents for letting their child drive, that will also reflect on the Law because since they raise the driving age this was the outcome since their age was raise. Would be having more students going to juvenile detention or even worse getting in car accidents. “Young drivers, between 15 and 20 years old, accounted right now that 6.4 percent of the …show more content…

“Population and Drivers involved in Fatal crashes by age Group of 45 to 54 in 2008 was a high number and percent (Source 2).” I used to have a friend who was driving from his mother house and there was a driver and the old guy crashed into my friend, my friend died at the age of 20 years old by a old guy who was driving under the influence. When you think about it aging on both sides with the old people and the young people they can not drive, you just have to keep looking on both sides of this issue just to understand that this problem you have to get on one side you also have to get on the other side to. Before you incused the younger drives that they cannot drive and raised up the driving age limit, you should also look at the old people and check them out to because its not really fair that the DMV changes the rule but not for the old people

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