
Age Of Imperialism Research Paper

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Impact of Imperialism on the United States

The end of the 1800s was known as the ‘Age of Imperialism’. It was a time where the United States and other major powers around the world enlarged their land. The United States does not stay to an established normal. The United States is not like other countries. The United States has a certain world goal to outreach liberty and democracy. Causes of the Age of Imperialism were new markets, Anglo-Saxonism, and naval bases. The economic effects on the Age of Imperialism started new trading grounds. They extended colonial power around the world. The United States started having new trading partners and markets. When the United States started trading with the Philippines, they began to trade with East Asia. The United States and Hawaii had social, political, and economic tension between them. Hawaii had an affect of all three. A group of business men, led by Samuel Dole, grew sugar and pineapple. Hawaii had a plentiful amount of raw materials, mostly sugar, and its ideal location with deep ports. It proved to be an ideal economic purchase for the United Sates.
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In 1989, the Spanish-American War was a brief war. The United States was in power during the war. The Spanish-American War did not make the United States in power. The continuously industrial and economic growth made the United States like that. President Teddy Roosevelt established naval bases in the Philippines on the territory won from Spain during the Spanish-American War. In 1898, the Treaty of Paris was signed and the Treaty ended the Spanish-American War. The Treaty involved Spain giving up most of the Spanish empire, especially Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States. The Treaty decided to be the end of the Spanish empire and decided to be the beginning of the age of the United States as a world

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