
Agamemnon And Achilles In The Book 11 Of The Odyssey

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The Book 11 of The Odyssey serves as representing a foil to Achilles through Agamemnon and Achilles’ stories and showing us a different perspective about heroic death with fame and glory(kleos). Homer uses Agamemnon, Achilles, and Heracles as characters for a comparison between their ended lives in Hades and Odysseus’ undead life. The story of Achilles’ failure to return to home and Agamemnon’s tragic death from her faithless wife acts as a foil to Odysseus and her faithful wife in the Book 11. Also, the comparison between Heracles and Achilles in terms of their similar but different reasons of suffering gives another foil to Odysseus. Conversation with Achilles and Elpenor serves as a foil to Odysseus in the aspect of nostos. Elpenor …show more content…

Even though Agamemnon made a success for his homecoming, what was waiting for him was her wife’s conspiracy with Aegisthus and his death (262-263). Namely, his nosmos was rather a failure and he also faced fate of his failed household. This Agamemnon’s gives a comparison with Odysseus future success for preserving his family and throne. Furthermore, Clytemnestra’s unfaithfulness and infidelity provides a foil to Penelope’s faithfulness and loyalty. Clytemnestra’s merciless and brutal actions, not sealing Agamemnon’s eyes while he was dying, adds contrasting characteristics between Odysseus and Agamemnon’s wives. Note that here, the story of successful vengeance for Agamemnon by Orestes gives a foil to Telemachus’ weakness and deficiency. Orestes here is depicted as a heroic example with murder of Aegistus after he comes of age (264). On the contrary to Orestes who saved his household and restored order in his family’s kingdom, Telemachus, as he came of age, couldn’t serve as protecting his household and repel his mother’s suitors in the absence of his father. In the light of comparing each heroic figures’ sons, the son of Achilles is also depicted as successful warrior with great strength and fame in the battlefield against Trojan, adding a foil to Telemachus’ unsuccessful position as a son (266).

It is also noticeable that Heracles is the last ghost whom Odysseus talks with. In the first glimpse of

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