
African Americans In Canada Essay

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Challenges of Africans Canadians (Then and Now) In history, no colour, religion or no country has faced these many challenges as the Blacks. Overcoming unbelievable amounts of challenges and tremendous amount of obstacles and today, over 200 years later, still facing quite similar problems.
Equility Equality was the problem. Whites believed that blacks weren't as equal as them. They did not want blacks to be successful and overtake Canada. That's why whites put that impression on them that still concede and people still identify African Canadians as Thieves, and as if all of them are poor and homeless. Pretty much they couldn't do anything in the same place, be near them and blacks couldn't do anything more than the whites. They …show more content…

Coming from the U.S, it was a little bit popular in the 1920’s but the klan was never successful in the rest of the country. Africans started to fight for their rights and they were on the way of convincing the government and then the group was formed to murder and torture blacks. The Klu Klux Klan would wear all white with crosses and try to kill you in the meanest ways possible.40,000 citizens of saskatchewan were apart of this klan in 1921. Being black was an unsafe thing at this throughout these years. They would burn your house shoot you and do stuff way …show more content…

It has been changed here and there but majorly it's the same. In 2010, more than 25% of blacks, live in poverty. Who’s fault is it? Some of it, is just the individuals but most of it is the government's. Due to racism, Africans Canadians still don't get as much job opportunities as the others. The stereotypical impression has a major play on that. “Black people are thieves, they do drugs”. They are just less likely to get employed. Also, due to Gender and Racial discrimination, African women get employed even

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