
Affordable Health Care

Decent Essays

I feel honored that I have been chosen by you to be able to repair the American health care system. The American Health Care System has been on a continuous rise regarding health care costs for the past decades. Health Care can be viewed as a major topic because it touches everyone from young children, adults, and seniors. In our lives, we will seek care, which may include medical reasons, injuries, and or preventive care. With our Health Care System, it can be viewed as a conglomerate because it includes many aspects such as government agencies, insurance companies, specialists, hospitals, and employers. Moreover, even though the United States Health Care system provides well-equipped medical technology and care, there are quite a few shortcomings that shall be addressed. First off, there are shortcomings with the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), which includes some disadvantages. One disadvantage is that employers hours are being cut down from full time to part time because they are unable to pay the costs and are only required to cover full time employees. Because of this, …show more content…

With this issue, it has come to the point where employers are putting a cease and lowering the benefits of health care that they would usually provide to their employees. In 2012 — the most recent year we have data for — the United States spent $2.8 trillion on health care (Vox Health Care Spending). Hence, these numbers are quite high when we compare the numbers to other industrialized nations such as Taiwan and Switzerland. With such high costs of health care in the United States, it is important to note that the escalating health care costs can possibly push up inflation and thus make goods and services less competitive in the global markets in the long run due to the high health care costs that might be displayed in the higher product

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