
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Unitary, Confederation and the Federal System of the Government

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Advantages and Disadvantages of the Unitary, Confederation and the Federal system of the Government

We can look at governmental systems as a continuum from a unitary type to a confederacy with federalism sitting in the middle. The unitary government is often described as a centralized government. It is a government in which all powers held by the government belong to a single, central agency. The central government creates local units of government for its own convenience. Most of the government in the world are unitary, Great Britain being one of them. One single central organ is Parliament it holds all the power of the British government. Local governments do exist but solely to relieve Parliament of burdens it could perform …show more content…

The disadvantages are weakness of central government it makes it unable to enforce laws or collect taxes, also lack of unity and common laws.

Lastly we move to federal government this is one in which the powers of government is divided between a central government and several local governments. There is a authority superior to both the central and local governments which makes this division of powers on a geographic basis; That division cannot be changed by either the local or national level acting alone. Both levels of government act directly on the people through their own sets of laws, the officials, and agencies. In the United States, for example the National Government has certain powers and the 50 states have others. This division of powers is set out in the Constitution of the United States. However federal government also has the advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the Federal unity is that local government handles local problems also the local government and officials have to be very responsive of the people who elect them. The central government can devote more time and energy to national and international problems. They also have more opportunities for participation in making decisions that influence what is taught in the schools, also deciding where highways and government projects are to be built. The disadvantages are the

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