
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Natural Observation

Decent Essays

Natural observation is the study of human or animal behavour in real world or natural settings (Yasukawa, 2014). In natural observations, the researcher records what he/she observes in whatever way he or she can. Therefore one can assert that such method of observation exerts strengths and limitations when conducting research. As such, in an article by Ross et al (2011) on distinct laugh patterns in chimpanzees, one may argue the strengths and limitations of naturalist observation as evident in the said study. For example, the use of natural observation enabled the researchers to understand the dynamic processes that underlie the behaviour of subjects (Seemungal, 2015: Unit 2), therefore Ross et al were able to comprehend and assert that socialization through play maintenance was integral to laugh elicited laughter in chimpanzees. Another strength of naturalist observation is that it provides great ecological validity given that researchers …show more content…

Furthermore, Ross et al (2011) noted that expressions such laughter and smile are integral tools for emotional intelligence. Not only this, but the article also informed that humans ability to produce distinct responses is an indication of an important component of emotional intelligence and empathy. In addition, the article questioned the emotional intelligence of human’s ability to produce convincing Duchenne laughter, also exploring the possibility of such intelligence in great apes. In contrast, based on the findings of Ross et al (2011) the ability of chimpanzees to produce laugh elicit laughter is an indication of their emotional intelligence , that is they are able to appropriately manage and respond to their feelings and the feelings of their playmates in order to promote cohesion which is a social

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