1.Introduction of the Organization
BRAC, an international development organization based in Bangladesh, is the largest non-governmental development organization in the world. BRAC has pioneered a unique model of sustainable business that integrates Corporate Social Responsibility as functional components of enterprises. BRAC Enterprises, one of the flourishing wings of BRAC. In 1978, BRAC’s flagship social enterprise, Aarong, was created as a support mechanism to BRAC’s existing sericulture program so that the hand-spun silk they were creating could be successfully marketed at a larger scale. Aarong was established as a retail distribution outlet that offered a fair price to the rural suppliers while introducing the products to urban markets where both
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3. Advantages gained from Social Enterprises Through its unique model and integrated operations, BRAC achieves five distinctive advantages across its enterprises:
The integrated network of BRAC Enterprises, Development Programs and Investments together beget a unique synergy and essentially create a 2+2=5 Effect. The surpluses generated by the social enterprises make BRAC more self-sustaining so that increasing numbers of poor people can become self-reliant.
Cross Collaboration
BRAC enterprises maximize synergy, impact and value by their targeted outreach and integrative products and services across multiple enterprises.
Cross Subsidy
Although BRAC enterprises aim for financial returns while fulfilling the social and environmental missions, not all enterprises are equally profitable. The cumulative surplus from BRAC enterprises combined are used to re-invest in the BRAC enterprises and support the development programs, on an as needed basis, not on a pro-rata basis across
John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods once said "Business social responsibility should not be coerced; it is a voluntary decision that the entrepreneurial leadership of every company must make on its own." (Mackey, 2005) In today’s society it is increasingly common for businesses to actively identify and become directly involved in the country and the global social issues and needs. It is now common
In this report we will explore the team and organizational structure of BMO and discuss the efficiency of its strategies. We will primarily be focusing on how groups are constructed within BMO and group members interact. Then on a more macro scale, we
Organization capabilities: Over the past few years BBD has incorporated many mergers successfully. The team had the capabilities to add value through acquisition by application of its existing competencies.
It is often said that a structure is only as strong as its foundation. This same principle can be applied to a business. In this case, the foundation is the stakeholders and the company’s corporate social responsibility strategies, both of which play a crucial role in the long-term success (or strength) of the company. Bombardier is a Canadian aerospace and transportation company which was founded in 1942 in Valcourt, Quebec as a snowmobile company. As its success grew, Bombardier expanded into one of the world’s leading transportation manufacturers; a multinational company, and evidently a highly successful one. The focus of this report, however, will not be on the overall success of the company, but on the company’s disposition
The world we live and operate BusComm Enterprises in is becoming increasingly smaller as the development of technology allows us to be more in touch with what is happen on a global scale. This allows BusComm Enterprises an opportunity to increase our Corporate Social Responsibility by partnering with a local charitable organization that reaches beyond the boundaries that are drawn a map and helps those who are facing a humanitarian crisis.
Company Q is a small local grocery store chain who has made poor decisions when it comes to social responsibility. Company Q’s business is suffering because the owners’ do not know the heart of running a business, Social responsibility. When opening a business it is not all about the money. Sure it is nice to think about growth and reaping the benefits of a bigger bank account, but the first thing that is important in business is the consumers. Who is buying what you are selling? What will make consumers buy more, comeback, or tell friends? Businesses flourish around consumers. So if it is money you are after, then consumers are who you need and want. So in business in order for Company Q to get what they want and need, they will need to give the consumer what they want and need, social responsibility. Give back, it has always been said “It is better to give than to receive.” After careful review of Company Q's business actions, this company lacks social responsibility in many areas.
Enterprise has grown to be a very well-known organization that operates within the United States and on an international scale. The organization values strong community relationships
We employee a more collaborative structure in our business, with teams working closely together on projects, ultimately for the benefit of the customer.
Evaluate RBC strategy and organizational structure. Is RBC well equipped to compete with niche operators such as internet-only banks with focused product offerings?
The expectation that businesses behave responsibly and positively contribute to society all while pursuing their economic goals is one that holds firm through all generations. Stakeholders, both market and nonmarket, expect businesses to be socially responsible. Many companies have responded to this by including this growing expectation as part of their overall business operations. There are companies in existence today whose sole purpose is to socially benefit society alongside businesses who simply combine social benefits with their economic goals as their company mission. These changes in societal expectations and thus company purpose we’ve seen in the business community over time often blurs the line of what it means to be socially
(1) Synergy creation: The businesses of both companies are famous and highly complementary to each other.
Competitive advantage is explained by Mahoney and Pandian (1992) as the function of industry analysis, organizational governance and the firm’s effects in the form of resource advantages and strategies. In order for a firm to be competitive it must adapt to the volatile business environment and through strategic management decisions establish a competitive advantage that will ultimately produce superior performance relative to its competitors (Akimova 2000).
BEC has taken on the matrix organizational structure. This type of structure combines functional and divisional organization structure styles. There are advantages and disadvantages in utilizing this
In order to operate in an unpredictable business environment and beat the competitors in an effective and tactful way, business organizations need to formulate and implement distinctive strategies from time to time (Bamford & Forrester, 2010). These strategies not only enable them to get the full advantage from their core competencies, but also help them in ensuring a sustainable operative and management future in the industry (Boyer & Verma, 2009). Inclusive business model is one of the most effective strategies used by large business organizations around the Globe (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2011). This model helps the organizations to target a larger group of the community as its customers, supply chain members, and workforce.
After reading the first two chapters of Building Social Business, I was moved. I was inspired. Yunus opened my eyes to another side of business which in his words was selfless. And indeed it was selfless. Social business is truly selfless because it focuses on helping others and earning profit comes second. By reading this book and reflecting, I realized it is better to be part of the solution than be part of the problem. By looking at my community, at my environment, and at my experiences in life, there are problems that will need solutions and I firmly believe that having a social business is the solution. By my observation, slow public utilities, expensive medicine, and empowering marginalized sectors are problems that can be solved by putting up social businesses. By combining entrepreneurial mindset and experience, social awareness, and creativity, the ideal social business can be done. But what makes a social business truly a social business is the