
Adult Child Behavior

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Child Behavioral Guidance in an Adult Figure
Some children seem to be in the behavior system for many schools all over the country. The child may not have an adult figure in his or her life,developing bad and dangerous traits from bad influences at a young age and never learning the importance of respect and control. These traits decreases the chance of earning a job and also increases the incarceration rate and the chance of being on the street after or even before high school.When children are open to violence and are not parented, the student shows consistent bad behavior leading the child into terrible situations. Parental decisions, traumatic issues, and lack of communication can have a child go from being an important role in society to being in a juvenile detention system or becoming another stereotypical statistic. An adult figure can change the lives of children making the economy better.
Parental Decisions Parents have the decision to allow their children to play video games and watch movies that have violent behavior and aggressive language. Some parents have no filter in their child's media …show more content…

Parents need to make sure that the child is watching child level movies. Most movies have violence as their last resort but some show violence to get their which is a bad way to enhance a child's learning. It makes the believe that violence is a way of getting things easily. This gives the child a bad reputation. If this continues without a guardian telling them that it is wrong the child will only understand violence. When children hear things they tend to copy it. The child may hear curse words in the movie and will repeat it in school. When famous people say these things the child may think that it makes them look and seem cool but it is actually the complete opposite. The very harsh comments and actions can influence the child

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