
Adnan Syed: Guilty Or Innocent

Decent Essays

Guilty, or Innocent. Time to know
The major debate between whether Adnan Syed is guilty or innocent of the murder of his ex is one that many believed was a very odd trial. Everyone’s opinions about the trial constantly changing, one minute you’re able to clearly see that he is innocent but the next trial it is very easy to see how he is guilty. After taking the time to listen to the podcasts and hearing all the evidence that was found versus the evidence that was brought up in court, I feel Adnan is innocent. There is only one piece of “evidence” that places him at the crime, based off of what was brought into the trial for evidence, and that evidence is Jay. Someone who never has the same story, it’s always changing every time he is interviewed or testifies at court. …show more content…

How does any of this make sense, because it doesn’t. None of the evidence works together to prove either his guilt or purity. Yet he was still found guilty of murder. From my point of view, there isn’t anything that attaches him to the murder. His lawyer was absolutely horrible! I mean there was a witness that said she saw Adnan at the time that the court claimed she was murdered! Even with taken into consideration outside the courtroom, it leaves you thinking what was actually going through the investigators' minds when they relied on Jay for all their

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