
Adhd Case Study

Decent Essays

Alex is a good case study of a child with issues that may have been under diagnosed for an extended time. There are issues addressed in the video that are compelling, and there are also issues that appear to be unaddressed. There are questions to be asked to the parties involved, and about the procedures taken in his treatment. Starting with Alex there are questions that should be asked regarding his situation. Alex presents a self awareness of not only himself, but also his social position and future. He speaks calmly about his desire for ending his own life, and at the same time discusses his thoughts about his future specifically. He openly expressed to his parents feelings of hopelessness, and of social failings regarding his life. It …show more content…

The test for ADHD was inconclusive despite extensive questioning of Alex, his parents, and teachers. He was then given Adderall to treat his ADHD symptoms, and as a positive side effect help with weight loss. It would be interesting to see how much the weight loss benefit influenced the choice of medication. There have been improvements in Alex’s behavior, but he does not seem to meet the expectations of his teacher. She says he needs a lot of guidance and monitoring. She could be asked on a scale comparing Alex to most other students where he falls in line. Being that he is still only completing most things on a modified scale, it would be pertinent to ask if Adderall is the best medicine available to treat …show more content…

The medicines used at that time had severe effects that rivaled those of the condition it was intended to treat. I would ask the doctors now what has changed in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD to quell the fears of parents. It is stated in the video that some parents feel pressured to medicate their children. I would ask what alternative they support, and what evidence they have to show positive results. I am opposed to medicating without legitimate cause, but in Alex’s case there seems to be real progress made. It is concerning that the experts do not exactly understand how the medicine helps, and that would raise the issue of how much faith can be based on them

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