
Active Participation In America Essay

Decent Essays

American citizens have large amount of power in our country. They help our country through paying taxes, voting in qualified governors and doing simple acts of community service including recycling and donating food. But there is a situation. A situation that lasted for two centuries, which plagued the Articles of Confederation and is currently affecting the Constitution. Many American citizens are not acting like good citizens to their country because of many reason. One is poverty where many citizens don’t have enough money to sustain themselves and they couldn’t get an education. This resulted in another problem, education, as more Americans couldn’t get an higher education due to high prices in tuition and they also can’t support their …show more content…

The reason why active participation is so crucial to the United States is due to the fact that our government is a representative government. Without citizens who are actively engaged in local, state, and national governments, our governing system would fail. Local governments touch the lives of every American by providing the essential governmental services people need to live together day to day. Citizens participate in local governments by determining appropriate tax bases, electing and overseeing those who hold local government office, and being willing to hold office themselves. At the state level, citizens must make informed decisions about who should be governor, who should hold other executive offices, and who should serve in the legislature. Many states also rely on citizens to elect their judges, including justices of the peace, municipal judges, county trial judges, and state appellate judges. Furthermore, opportunities for direct participation on the national government are more limited than at state and local levels, but they do exist. Congressional representatives often rely on constituent groups to advise then on issues of public policy Another way Americans can influence the national government is by joining associations and NGOs that

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