
Actionable Recommendation : Communication : Is The Market Like For Online Gaming Platform?

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Actionable Recommendation: Communication
My recommendation for this issue is the whole group sitting down like they were, but each member discusses and makes their points of the idea. Each person gives their input on introducing online gaming and how it will affect the market? How can we fund the project? What are our goals? What is the market like for online gaming? Would it be smarter to just outsource the whole project? Can we train our staff to run the project? After taking a long serious look at online gaming as a group instead of passing it off to one person, they should make a decision and forward.
Issue Week 2: Poor Delegation
Warren, Nick’s boss, has proven by our observation over the past two weeks his ineptitude to …show more content…

A serious drawback for running projects in this operating environment is that they often must be layered, or applied on top of the ongoing duties of members of functional groups” (Pinto, 2013). This is another area of concern when considering delegation; what areas of responsibility may be compromised by other tasks and primary duties required of the people you expect to deliver finished tasks being taken away to perform their duties outside of the project/program implementation?
Issue Week 2: Faulty Project Management
From the outset of deciding that CanGo will invest in the online gaming platform and community, there is little to no direction. The mandate from executive leadership is too simply to create this online gaming platform to be launched on a specified date.
Actionable Recommendation: Faulty Project Management
The first area of concern is market research and understanding through the verifiable fact that there is money to be made, backed up with statistics and proving that there is money to be made and that CanGo has the capability to deliver unique differentiation. Then as a team led by Nick they should set SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-oriented. Nick then should prioritize a plan of action and milestones and input this information into Microsoft

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