
Acting Career Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Ever wondered what it would be like to fulfill something like to get a perfect grade point average, or even kick the winning goal. Yes those are all perfect goals to succeed at, but mines a bit different. I want to do something different, like lets say something that no one really has the energy to do. Acting, in late 2014 I signed up for a class that will help me learn many things, like modeling too. You’re probably thinking modeling isn’t really the best for acting. Though modeling has helped with confidence. I want to become a actress in the future, to be well known with people. Acting is like a passion I want to succeed at and hopefully be the best in the best. Probably around 10 years by now you’ll see me starring in movies or doing commercials until then, this will be my Long Term Goal. …show more content…

Most people would normally put this down as their Long Term Goal, but as for me It’s not really going to matter much after you got everything settled. Why? because you’re never going to go back to it. For my Medium Term Goal is something most people would put down, getting a good education. For my acting career I would still need to get an education, because even though it might go all fine and dandy, it still will go down hill eventually; and for that I need a backup plan. With a good education, I could also get many good jobs and I wouldn’t be so confused in this world. Many things can happen along the way, but I’m sure if I try my fullest I can get it. Knowing one thing in this universe is that many people don’t try as hard as they’re suppose to, or even believe in themselves. Known fact if you actually do these things, you will get to your goal and you will

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