
Achiever Research Paper

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Achiever is the trait with which I most closely identify. I have always been a busy body and anytime I have spare time it seems wasteful to spend it idle. There are two people in particular that have always made me strive for the best. Seven years ago I was blessed with the privilege of being a role model to my two baby cousins, Caleb and MIa. To be a mentor to ones so young and impressionable is both my burden and my blessing. When they look up at me with those huge curious eyes, I aspire to be someone worthy of their admiration. When I called them up this week to ask if they could think of any circumstance I had displayed a drive to achieve something, the first thing out of their mouths was “what does achievement mean,” but after I explained what achievement meant, they both began to sputter off good things I had done. They proceeded to jabber out a long list of times I had done as Mia would put it “good stuff.” Caleb remembered the time I coached his basketball team when his coach was out of town. Mia said, …show more content…

I can see how focus and achiever go really well together. Because in order to achieve a task you have to have focus; you have to be willing to not give up on a task even when it gets difficult. As I talked to one of my oldest friends Nicole, she reminded me of how two years I made the decision that I was fed up with clothes not fitting; I was done with looking in the mirror and not liking what I saw. She admired my “dedication and that (I) accomplished something that many people want, but people rarely ever follow through on,” and that made me feel good that all my consistent hard work was not for nothing. On the flip side amore recent friend of mine, Norbert, was “shocked” when I showed him old photos of me and he confirmed that that is the definition of focus. Setting a goal and not letting anyone detour you from what you want. This reminder warmed my heart and reminded me not to get derailed by frivolous

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