• Briefly describe the incident which led to you being assigned this paper.
In the fall semester of 2015, I took part in class ENCP 6000 Career Management for Engineers. In the second critical assignment, professor told us to make a plan, which describes what we expect to learn in the future coop. In order to describe the thing I expected to learn, I used a sentence from Internet without marking it is citation. This mistake is the reason why I am being assigned this paper.
• Reflect on the policies of which you were found in violation. Why do they exist? What purpose do they serve?
Because I used sentences without citation, I violated these policies:
Plagiarism: The University defines plagiarism as using as one’s own the words, ideas, data,
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Knowing the Code
Students are responsible for knowing the Code of Academic Integrity. Ignorance of the code is not a valid reason for committing an act of academic dishonesty. Learn how honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility are all important for creating an atmosphere of integrity.Familiarize yourself with the behaviors (plagiarism, cheating, false information, duplicate submissions, etc.) that are considered academically dishonest.Learn what happens when there is a Violation of the Code.Take the Academic Integrity Quiz
II. Knowing Instructors' Policies
Students are responsible for knowing the integrity policies of their instructors. Talk to your instructors, read your syllabi and learn what they are. Instructors expect students to act with integrity in and out of the classroom. Instructors may ask you to sign an integrity pledge at the beginning of the semester or whenever you submit a written assignment. Just because an instructor does not explicitly address academic integrity does not mean you are exempt from the Code in that class. Instructors can impose sanctions for integrity violations at the course level that include failing you for the assignment or for the entire course. Integrity violation reports are referred to the appropriate Associate Dean and may be referred to the Community Standards Board where additional sanctions may be applied including
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Expect differences and pay attention to them. Follow the rules of each course for any given assignment. Learn how to quote, how to paraphrase, and how to explain your use of others' ideas according to the research and citation standards of the discipline and department of the course you are taking. Check out Guides by Subject. Familiarize yourself with different aspects of plagiarism, the basic rules of copyright, and the proper use of citations.
Check your papers for possible a act of plagiarism by using turnitin or one of the other free tools available on the web. Acknowledge when you have received the help of others, such as suggestions or proofreading, but do not work with another person to write your essay unless you have permission of your instructor. Keep photocopies of drafts and notes, including electronic files, as a record that you did, in fact, do the work on your own. Maintain a copy of all final work turned in.
In tests and
The principle of academic integrity stretches beyond the limits of a classroom. Good students are honest with themselves, their professors, their roommates, and their community.
I should fix all of my mistakes; if they are not it is considered plagiarism and I will receive a zero on my paper. I may also fail the class and get an academic red flag report. Turning in an old essay I did from another class or using parts of an old exposition is still considered plagiarism and I will receive the same punishment. A warning is a chance so I should take full advantage and fix them. If I do not understand something I should ask questions and get the help I need. When writing a paper, I should not forget the work cited page, page numbers, and text citations. Three ways that I can use to avoid plagiarism are to quote, paraphrase and summarize. I should quote when there is a conclusion or opinion with credentials. Facts should not be quoted, but cited instead. I should summarize so I can input ideas together. Building on paragraphs and explaining details is one example of summarizing. Lastly, paraphrasing should not be rearranged, but should be elaborated on certain ideas and explain how they all fit
First one, I believe the most common type of plagiarism happens when a student is having writer’s cramp from partying all night, just having a good old time, do not have enough time to do any research to complete an essay due the next day. They, as a result, copy and paste a research subject from four or five websites or online journals and present the essay as theirs. Second example, a student use quotes from an essay, and they do not cite the source, which the student uses as their own ideas or concepts. Thirdly, a student takes an article, or even a paragraph, and changes a few words or rearranged the order of the sentences in the article or
Academic Integrity is a value that many students, from high school to college, do not take serious; however, it should be taken more serious by these future scholars. Academics are a very important part of today society. Next we have Integrity, an aspect that I believe our society should value more. With the changing times and technology becoming more sophisticated, students are finding it easier and easier to cheat on homework and other important assignments and in most cases they get away with it. There are several ways in which this can be done, one of the main ways being plagiarism. There are several reason as why academic integrity is important in today’s society. It really all comes down if you want to be successful in the future at whatever you choose to do. To conclude I have had my own trouble with academic integrity; however, I believe that I have learned my lesson as to why academic integrity is so important in the classroom of today’s schools.
Moral standards as we know is to understand the distinction between right or wrong behaviors as well as knowing to adhere to conventionally accepted standards of conduct. It is very important to possess a clear understanding of what moral standards are in order to understand what academic integrity is and the severity of committing plagiarism. As explained in the NSU Handbook and the article about Academic misconduct, academic integrity is a moral code and ethical policies assigned by the university. There are several ways academic integrity can be violated. For instance, cheating on an exam or stealing something from the campus premises, but there are also many actions that the university can take to fight this wrongful doing that can
Academic Integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. Academic integrity describes the violation of plagiarism and the maintenance of academic standards which means they want to make sure you are completely honest. Academic Integrity is important because it helps each student to be honest with their work not taking another student idea. It is a skill we developed to make sure we don’t accidently plagiarize when taking quotes from another website without properly citing. The Student Code of Academic Integrity provides us with a lot of information on this topic three examples of infractions that violate the Student Code of Academic integrity are plagiarism, collusion, unauthorized assistance. Plagiarism is taking quotes or ideas
Do you remember that night in college when you forgot all about a big test that you had the next day? You were probably up to about four in the morning studying, you ended up falling asleep without knowing the material that you needed to know. You could not cram all of this information in less than an hour, so you came up with a plan to cheat. At Mississippi State University, about 26.4 percent of freshmen and about 28.1 percent of seniors had reported cases of breaking the honor code. – (Honor Code Presentation: Blaire Wilson). Cheating at the college level can cause way more severe penalties than k-12 penalties. Academic Misconduct is any action or attempted action that may result in an unfair academic advantage.
All of the things I mention should be done properly. If one does not understand how to avoid plagiarism one should see the teacher and ask for help. Most if not all teachers who come across plagiarism will fail the student(s). The student(s) can if not will be withdrawn from the school which is being attended.
Being a student and getting in trouble for plagiarism is serious business which can make you fail an assignment, fail a course or even prevent you from graduating. Plagiarism is serious and not worth it. The best thing a person can do is to make sure whatever it is you are writing, ensure it is your own thoughts and ideas. It is ok to research information and cite it but bottom line; it has to be your own. Not all online sources we find on the internet are correct; we have to be careful with those sources as well. I can also make sure that if I do use some words or information from someone else, I identify where or who I got that information from. I would make sure that whatever I am writing is unique and personal. If my words and thoughts
In Cupertino, California, the reporter witnessed a student attempting to copy off another student’s social studies homework secretly during a science lecture. The teacher noticed that the student was writing instead of focusing on the lecture. The teacher confisticated the papers and found out that they were the same assignment from another class but with different names. When the student got the homework back, he was told that he will receive a 0 for that homework and the owner of the original paper will also receive a 0 for violating the academic integrity code.
3. The hardest type of plagiarism for me is APA citation. I have a habit of re-wording the information I study or find without citing who said what. I fail to give credit where it is due. Sometimes I will remember to put the author's name , and forget the year it was published. On several occasions I have paraphrased other writings in which more than one author was responsible for the writing, in which I only recognized one author without recognizing the other. After going through the lesson about plagiarism, I plan to re-check my work to ensure i am not plagiarizing. I will cite all sources to ensure no one is left out as well
Academic integrity is very important in terms of an individual completing his or her work. In other words, the individual should be completely honest and do their best to complete their work without plagiarism or finding an easy way to get the job done. It is considered unethical to do something that prevents an individual from being honest about their work. For example, John is worried about getting a D in his Spanish class if he does not do well on his midterm. His GPA will also be affected if he gets a D. On the day of his midterm, Jane, a student in John’s Spanish class, sits by him.
Academic integrity could be seen as the backbone to learning. By achieving academic integrity you are committing the five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. Through these values students should be able to promote an ideal learning process and develop self-growth and confidence. However, at times it can seem easier to ignore these values and students can come face to face with conflicting issues such as plagiarism, cheating and fraud. This dishonesty will only achieve a shortcut around your studies and will rob you of the benefits that those who completed the assignment with the fundamental values in mind, are now experiencing.
A few examples of infractions that violate the Student Code of Academic Integrity are collusion, fabrication and plagiarism. Integrity is important in both academic and professional life because it ensures that was have possess the skills that we need not only in class but in the workforce. I want to be
Prior to completing the Academic Integrity Program, I thought academic integrity was as simple “not cheating.” I considered it a policy solely implemented to ensure that students learned the material. To me, cheating was mostly plagiarism, or trying to pass off someone else’s work as your own. It was not until I completed the program that I began to understand the long-term effects of cheating on the peers, the professor, and the institution. Now, I understand that cheating affects not just me, but also the other students in my courses and the university’s reputation. I also understand the reasoning behind the university’s strict policies regarding academic integrity violations, as they are in place to protect the student, the classmates,