
Academic Integrity Violations

Decent Essays

• Briefly describe the incident which led to you being assigned this paper.
In the fall semester of 2015, I took part in class ENCP 6000 Career Management for Engineers. In the second critical assignment, professor told us to make a plan, which describes what we expect to learn in the future coop. In order to describe the thing I expected to learn, I used a sentence from Internet without marking it is citation. This mistake is the reason why I am being assigned this paper.
• Reflect on the policies of which you were found in violation. Why do they exist? What purpose do they serve?
Because I used sentences without citation, I violated these policies:
Plagiarism: The University defines plagiarism as using as one’s own the words, ideas, data, …show more content…

Knowing the Code
Students are responsible for knowing the Code of Academic Integrity. Ignorance of the code is not a valid reason for committing an act of academic dishonesty. Learn how honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility are all important for creating an atmosphere of integrity.Familiarize yourself with the behaviors (plagiarism, cheating, false information, duplicate submissions, etc.) that are considered academically dishonest.Learn what happens when there is a Violation of the Code.Take the Academic Integrity Quiz
II. Knowing Instructors' Policies
Students are responsible for knowing the integrity policies of their instructors. Talk to your instructors, read your syllabi and learn what they are. Instructors expect students to act with integrity in and out of the classroom. Instructors may ask you to sign an integrity pledge at the beginning of the semester or whenever you submit a written assignment. Just because an instructor does not explicitly address academic integrity does not mean you are exempt from the Code in that class. Instructors can impose sanctions for integrity violations at the course level that include failing you for the assignment or for the entire course. Integrity violation reports are referred to the appropriate Associate Dean and may be referred to the Community Standards Board where additional sanctions may be applied including …show more content…

Expect differences and pay attention to them. Follow the rules of each course for any given assignment. Learn how to quote, how to paraphrase, and how to explain your use of others' ideas according to the research and citation standards of the discipline and department of the course you are taking. Check out Guides by Subject. Familiarize yourself with different aspects of plagiarism, the basic rules of copyright, and the proper use of citations.
Check your papers for possible a act of plagiarism by using turnitin or one of the other free tools available on the web. Acknowledge when you have received the help of others, such as suggestions or proofreading, but do not work with another person to write your essay unless you have permission of your instructor. Keep photocopies of drafts and notes, including electronic files, as a record that you did, in fact, do the work on your own. Maintain a copy of all final work turned in.
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