
About A Boy Belonging

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The quotation, “No man is an island” reflects how no one is self-sufficient; as human nature dictates that we are meant to be interdependent on each other. With this being an important idea, that is substantially reiterated and emphasised in the visual text, About a Boy. In the film, protagonist Will initially attempts to live his life in such a manner. However, this is unsuccessful and we see the idea’s importance by how having a sense of belonging, and straying away from his initial isolation consequently develops him as a character, throughout his social interaction in the film’s entirety. Paul and Chris Weitz, the directors, help us understand this important idea with the use of several visual and verbal features such as voice over, symbolism …show more content…

This enables us as the audience to gain insight on character’s thoughts in the film and their response to certain situations. The first impression of this is the opening scene, in which we are introduced to Will and his philosophy on life, where the camera never shows more than a slice of Will in the frame but, we hear him through the voice over. At the onset of the film, we learn that Will is ignorant to the fact that we need others in our lives after he states, “[No man is an island] is a complete load of bollocks. In my opinion, all men are islands” “This is an island age.” Islands have a strong association to the idea of being stranded or ‘alone’ which expresses that Will believes this is the time to be alone and independent - away from everyone else. To reinforce this idea, instead of focusing on Will, various close-up shots focus on Will’s possessions – his state-of-the-art appliances such as his entertainment system and espresso machine. Therefore, indicating to the viewer that his possessions are of great importance to him. This can be supported by Will going on to say through voice over, “A hundred years ago, for instance, you had to depend on other people. No one had TV or CDs or DVDs or videos or home espresso …show more content…

Moreover, by the end of the film we see a close-up shot of Will on the couch watching television - which seems that he is back to his relative starting position. The voiceover from Will then begins by saying “Every man is an island. And I stand by that.” Until, Rachel comes into the scene and camera work deliberately expands to a three shot, featuring Marcus and Ali on the couch also - indicating how Will has let people come into his life. The use of voice over yet again allows us to understand the important idea ‘no man is an island’ when Will goes on to reflect, “But clearly, some men are part of island chains. Below the surface of the ocean they’re actually connected.” Will initially thought that he found comfort in isolation when really, he develops to understand this is not true and he is happiest when in company of others. It was hard for Will to let people in at the beginning because as described in his own words, “People can make you happy but they can also make you unhappy”, and so he preferred to just

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