
Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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` People are controlled by Society in many ways, such as the clothes they wear, and the music they listen to. It all depends on the society. The way people are controlled by society is by the rules that are made, like when Sam n’ Eric became traders it was a rule that they could not leave Jack’s tribe.With the bad society the boys are in on the island, When Piggy gets knocked off the cliff and died the boys were not upset, they were angry and continued to try and kill each other. Since there are no adults on the island they have to take care of themselves which turns into them trying to hunt and kill each other. My thesis statement is that while the boys were on the island they created their own society, they made their own rules, but broke them. They were in a bad society because they were on their own and did everything on their own, they did not have any adults to tell them what to do or anything. The boys created their own society on the island, which means they made their own rules, they followed them for awhile but eventually broke all of them. Like when they found the conch, “ We can use this to call the others, have a meeting, they’ll come when they hear us (pg. 16. Golding).” They made a rule that when the conch is sounded they are to all come to a specific place to have a meeting. “ Whats your name?” “ Johnny (pg. 18 …show more content…

“ And another thing. We can’t have everybody talking at once. we’ll have to have “ hands up” like at school (pg. 33 Golding).” The boys were making rules to follow on the island while they were there, when the boys got to the island and all got together it felt like a good society but it sure didn’t stay that way. “There aren’t any grown-ups. We shall have to look after ourselves(pg. 33 Golding).” The boys were by themselves and had to do everything on their own. Now that they have made rules and everything, they have to follow

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