
Essay on Abortion is Unethical

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Abortion is Unethical

The Center for Bioethical Reform states that on lifetime average there will be one abortion per woman in the world. This makes abortion a very relative point of ethical discussion. According to the World Resources Institute there are about 3,155,945 females world-wide, and if you used crude mathematics to make a rough estimate you would have potentially 3,155,945 lost lives. We can no longer ignore an issue with such impact. I believe that abortion is an unethical act and should not be an option to anyone. One could say that an abortion should be legal because the developing fetus is part of the female and she should be able to do with her body what she likes, but this is not so. The fetus is not part of her …show more content…

This makes the mother’s health argument a hypothetical situation that does not hold up to the test of reality. Hypothetical situations are often created to give reasons for abortions but the facts show that they are not the main reason. A survey of women after they had had abortions to find out why they got an abortion shows that these situations are indeed hypothetical and just that. The facts show that the main reason for abortions is simply to postpone childbirth. The main reason stated by women who had had abortions (25.5%) was to postpone child birth. This reason was far greater than rape (<1%), risk to maternal health (2.8%), and risk to fetal health (3.3%). One can easily see that females who have had abortions almost never do it because of rape, or risk to their own health. These are invented situations to induce sympathy on lawmakers. Therefore the majority of aborted babies are due to people who are not ready to face the consequences of sex. They think that they are ready for sex but then are often overwhelmed when the results of their actions confront them and they choose the seemingly easy way out. Abortion is still legal in America because people want to keep the easy escape option available to those who make ‘mistakes’. Saying that every

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