
Abortion Vs Artificial Abortion

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Abortion has been used throughout human history as birth control, overpopulation control, and overall better life for the mother and child. There are cases where mothers do not have the substantial needs to raise a child and the two options are an abortion or an adoption. Sadly, many children in the adoption system never find their forever families. Consequently, a mother decides to terminate her pregnancy rather than having the child undergo a tough life. As to have an abortion should be at the decision of the mother. She must decide what is the best case for her child. A woman should not have to undergo an illegal abortion that puts herself and her child at risk of serious harm. Women have the right to have the proper care in the case of an abortion.
According to the article “Abortion,” an abortion can occur naturally or artificially. A natural abortion is a miscarriage—occurs within the first 20 weeks of gestation—and a stillbirth—occurs after the first 20 weeks. As for an artificial abortion, it is placed into two categories: therapeutic and elective abortion. A therapeutic abortion is done to preserve the health of the mother. An elective abortion is done for any other reasons than to preserve the health of the mother. Artificial abortions can be done medically or by the actions of the mother. A medical abortion is done by a third party, such as a doctor, midwife, or other medical practitioners. A mother can terminate her pregnancy by “engaging in various physical

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