When it comes to the word abortion there is no limit on how much controversy the word alone sparks. There are many reasons an abortion is performed or justified. There are consequences both physically and mentally. Everyone seeking an abortion, for whatever reason, should be required to attend a mandatory counseling session, and, experience a waiting period. Abortion should not be the first choice. Consider the options and all risks involved carefully before agreeing to end a life. I think if you play, you should suffer the consequences. It seems immoral for a life of an innocent child be taken for one’s selfish actions. Abortions are performed for many reasons. Those reasons many not always make sense, to some, and are simply escape goats for others selfish acts. Some of reasons are the inability to support a child, the desire to end an unwanted pregnancy, the result of unprotected sex and/or failed birth control and the result of rape or incest. Women who are victims of rape or incest may feel like it is their only option. I believe that abortion is a selfish act because there are other options such as adoption. Many women use abortion as a form of birth control. Any woman under the age of eighteen should be required to get parental consent prior to considering and/or performing an abortion. As with any other medical procedure a parental consent is required prior to the procedure, abortion should be no exception. Slightly over half of the Kansans seeking abortions were
Finally, the most crucial reason to why parental consent laws for abortion should be legal is the potential medical dangerous that can occur before and after an abortion (Earll). Parents that are aware of their children desire to have an abortion and support their children’s decisions can provide “important medical history to a physician” (Christian Med.). “A minor may not be fully conscious of a family history that makes surgical or medical abortion
Most minors voluntarily involve their parents in abortion cases and if they don’t involve their parents, it's usually because they wouldn't be cooperative; “Since "privacy" rights have been found to be fundamental and protected by the due process clause, it is plausible that these rights are also fundamental for purposes of equal protection clause analysis” (Wand). The Court has stated that minors are protected by the right to privacy, so minors should have the right as to whether or not to terminate her own pregnancy. In addition, government intrusion does not make family relations stronger and could just sway a woman’s decision. The Court supported this in 1976 during the case Planned Parenthood v. Danforth. In this case, Missouri legislators passed a law requiring abortion doctors to obtain a written statement of the mother’s consent that stated that “the consent was freely given and not the result of coercion” (“Planned Parenthood v. Danforth”). The Court upheld the written consent of women, however, it concluded that spousal and parental consent requirements amounted to an unconstitutional "veto power" over a decision which should be left to the "medical judgment of the pregnant woman's attending physician" according to Roe (“Planned Parenthood v. Danforth”).
There many reasons why a woman has an abortion. The most common reasons for an abortion is because of birth control failure. Over half of all women who have an abortion used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant. Some people have abortions because they can not support the child and also to prevent the birth of a child with birth defects or severe medical problems. There are also people that have an abortion because of rape or
A woman should put aside her own selfishness and be concerned more with the life that she holds in her. When a healthy woman, with a healthy baby growing inside of her, requests an abortion, she is probably seeking only her own happiness, but scripture says, "But if you do what is right and suffer for it, you patiently endure it; this finds favor with God" (1 Peter 2:20).
7 of these states have laws that effectively require the woman make two separate trips to the clinic to obtain the procedure. Parents should be involved in such a decision like this so 36 states require some type of parental involvement in a minor’s decision to have an abortion. 22 states require one or both parents to consent to the procedure, while 12 require that one or both parents be notified and 4 states require both parental consent and notification. Many people believe that restrictive abortion laws may worsen family communication rather than promote it. Abortion providers encourage teenagers to tell a parent or another important family member about their plans, and most teens do. Even without state laws, one or both parents of 61% of minors know about their daughters' abortions. The younger the teen, the higher the likelihood that she has told her mother about the situation. Those young women who do not or cannot tell their parents, however, often have important reasons such as a family history of alcoholism, emotional or physical abuse, or incest. To involve such parents could invite further abuse of the teenager and other family members. Rather than tell their parents - for whatever reason - some teenagers resort to unsafe, illegal abortions or try to perform the abortion themselves. In doing so, they risk serious injury and death or, in some cases, criminal charges. Another concern is that restrictive laws endanger teens' health by
Although Patrick Lee, Robert George, and Dr. Grazie Christie argue abortion is not an acceptable choice and should not even be a choice when an unborn baby is involved, senior editor of New Republic magazine Rebecca Traister counter argued abortions are about women’s choices and health not fetuses. Patrick Lee and Robert George are professors at respective Universities who have written many journals on controversial issues like abortion such as The Wrong of Abortion. Dr. Grazie Christie is a radiologist who completes prenatal diagnoses for pregnant women. Christie wrote about a first hand experience in her essay Abortion is about a child, not a choice. As the senior editor of New Republic magazine Rebecca Traister writes many political
A woman has many decisions to make when considering an abortion. Whether they are thinking about a medication abortion or a in-clinic abortion procedure. There are three main reasons why women have abortions: it’s their only way out of an unplanned pregnancy, relationship problems or financial instability. These reasons may sound selfish but a pregnancy that occurs at the wrong time may have a life long impact on women.
Abortion was created to aid in certain situations in which a woman could not or did not want to give birth to a child and to care for the child. Abortion is a method in which the baby still in the mother’s womb or the living embryo/fetus is killed. Abortions will be performed for many reasons if it is an unwanted pregnancy for social and/or financial reasons or if there are medical circumstances with the child and/or the mother. A woman may be unable to carry the child or there may be congenital defects and the child would not be able to live afterbirth. The child may have genetic irregularities, such as Down syndrome. The parents may feel that they would be incapable of caring for the child and often the parents may feel that to have
There are several laws pertaining to abortion regarding minors who wish to seek an abortion. In several states, all that is needed is a parental consent; these policies pertain to 24 of the 50 states. Minors can also stand up in front of the judge and request their abortions. In Maryland, West Virginia, and Tennessee a doctor can give the minor consent to be able to have the abortion. Unbelievable, in Maine and Connecticut no requirement is necessary, minors have every right to have an abortion, therefore their parent or legal guardian doesn't even need to know their daughter is seeking an abortion. It is not so easy to seek an abortion; there are several lectures and lessons you must take. In 31 states the women usually has to listen to a lecture and review materials prepared by the state. Fifteen of the fifty states require a 24 72 waiting period, in normal circumstances it is 24 hours. In forty-three of the fifty states, an abortion must be given by a licensed doctor or physician.
Murder. What do people think of murder? Killing in self-defense. What do people think of killing out of self defense? Murdering someone else in “self-defense”, when it is really out of “inconvenience.” What do people think of murdering out of inconvenience, while claiming it is out of “self-defense?” Most would say that murder is wrong and killing out of self-defense is justified. Others would say that murdering out of inconvenience is wrong, while some still claim it is justified. Which view is justified and which one is not? Does it simply come down to morals or is there truth? The truth is that abortion is wrong and should not be considered as an option for women because it consists of barbaric killings, senseless
Nearly every single day, a woman needs an abortion for a multitude of possible reasons. The baby could have possibly been conceived by rape or the mother could possibly have health problems due to the child. Overall, one may believe that women should not be told what to do with their bodies, and they should be able to make their own choice surrounding abortion.
There are many reasons as to why a woman may want to get an abortion, but those reasons may not make having an abortion ethical. Some reasons include rape, incest, not being financially able to support a child, having a disabled child, the pregnancy causing dangers to the woman’s health or simply not wanting to care for a child. If the woman has the child it may interfere
Most of the causes of abortions for women are due to personal and medical problems, and abusive sexual acts (rape pregnancy). The vast majority (in surplus of 90%) of abortions are wanted for personal reasons. About 6% of all abortions are wanted because either the woman or fetus has medical reasons. About 1% of all abortions are wanted because of abusive sexual act.
Our world has an immense collection of advanced technologies, but it is a shame that many use it for immoral actions. Such technology has given mankind the power to ‘produce’ desired children from a cellular level, but at the same time offer families the freedom to abort the unwanted. In his article, Rajendra Kale (2012) argues that healthcare professionals should not inform parents the sex of the unborn until 30 weeks of pregnancy to avoid termination. In another article, Margaret Little (2005) reasons that abortions are merely the demise of fetuses, and not the violation of rights to live. Although the two present themselves in different ways, it can be assumed that Little would ultimately support Kale’s assessments. Perhaps the
Abortion is tremendously unethical, just like murder is highly immoral. Many religions oppose the idea of abortion; Christianity considers abortion to be a sin under all circumstances; Hinduism considers abortion to be a form of violence. In addition, when the woman decides to have a sexual intercourse with a man without any proper use of contraception, she knows that pregnancy will result. If the mother did not want the baby in the first place or if she could not take on the responsibility of the baby, then she should not get pregnant just to later on kill the unborn innocent child in her womb. Abortion can not only harm the baby, but can also cause physical and psychological damage